relay folder event in several folders
When You create a Relay automation You only have the possibility to manager an event folder in one folder. If You need the same scenario in other folders, You have to duplicate the stream as many times You have needed folders.
The best way is to get the possibility to choose all folders You need the same event with the same scenario in one shot and not be polluted with x time the same one only because the event has to be trapped in another folder.

Delivered for Manual Start feature to cascade to subfolders.
Anonymous commented
Thanks for allowing this for the Manual Start! But this still leave a lot of functionality that is tight to folders almost unusable at large scale. The typical scenario is that you have similar folder structure that only differ in the root folder (e.g. for different projects, different departments). The same set of Workflow should apply to all, but because of current product behavior I need to duplicate same workflow X number of folders. Then each change will require me to change X workflow (and X could be a very large number).
Having multiple selection of folders will actually solve a lot of issues and make Relay much more useful. -
Anonymous commented
Adding my vote. Allowing Manual Start of Relays to Subfolders will allow me to change a manual process of collaboration, review and approvals for files which are segregated into individual subfolders.
Anonymous commented
Add my vote to the need to set up the automation for a folder and all sub-folders. Not having this feature is very inefficient.
Anonymous commented
I would like to reiterate the need for the ability to set a trigger on a folder and all of it's sub-folders.
Anonymous commented
Another vote for applying the flow to content (both subfolders and files within those subfolders).
AdminDavid Majetic (Admin, Box) commented
This would scale Relay very well for on-boarding use cases. Often each on-boarding case will have it's separate folder and thus requiring a trigger from ideally a workflow that is built for many folders. Also the workflow would need the option of moving files back to the originating sub-folder. Webhooks work in this fashion. Events in sub-folders will send payload response to webhook endpoint specified on parent folder.
Adminrcartun (Admin, Box) commented
Also, sometimes you want to have the flow includes the subfolders below the folder (like for a new client folder being added below All Clients folder)
Adminrcartun (Admin, Box) commented
additionally, being able to have the option to select one folder and have the flow apply to all the sub-folders below (existing or created in the future)
Anonymous commented
When U copy a folder with relay, It should be nice to get the possibility to select more than once.