Box Drive: Support ARM processors
The new Microsoft Surface Pro X uses an ARM based processor and Box Drive doesn't support ARM processors. I'm sure use of the ARM processors will increase rapidly since it allows for much longer battery life and support cellular data connections.

We launched ARM support for Apple devices with Box Drive v2.22
We currently do not have this planned for Windows devices.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
Any update on the Windows ARM devices?
Anonymous commented
Any news on Windows ARM devices?
Anonymous commented
Supporting Apple silicon is great but WE STILL NEED SUPPORT FOR WINDOWS ARM DEVICES
Anonymous commented
The M1 Chip has been know for a few months. I couldn't get it to work on my new iMac and the Apple Engineers can get the downloaded new App for Mac with M 1 chips to work. In addition, the security settings can't be changed from the instructions you provide to make the App work. My idea for your is get the the App out of Beta and working as full functional App. I can't work with my client that uses the Box. I have to use my old computer. I am not very happy!
Keep the user community informed with the progress made on a workable app for Box with Mac M1 chip. -
Anonymous commented
When will Box Drive work with a MacBook Air with the new M-1 chip? Box Tools is very slow and clunky with the M-1 chip as well.
Anonymous commented
BOX please fix this asap, as an organization we are considering leaving BOX altogether because of this issue!
Anonymous commented
We're holding off deploying M Series Macs to our team until this is handled. If it's not taken seriously, we'll have to look at leaving Box.
Anonymous commented
This has been extremely frustrating especially since Apple announced silicon macs in June 2020. Please fix!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Make Box work with M1 chip Macs!
Anonymous commented
It's crazy this isn't supported yet. Really shows that Box isn't interested in Apple any more.
Anonymous commented
Since i work a lot in the environment for work this problem is huge for me!
Happy with the new Macbook but not with having trouble doing my daily tasks.Please fix!
Anonymous commented
Incompatibility with Box drive is the only problem I have had with using my new MacBook Air M1. Please fix this as it effects my daily ability to work. I may have to move to a different cloud storage solution if this is not resolved in a timely manner.
Anonymous commented
As mobility continues to expand in my firm of over 100 employees, we are considering dropping Box as a provider with out a ARM Box Drive solution. Used box since 2012. Its unfortunate they are not keeping up with technology.
Anonymous commented
I have a new MacPro with the M1 chip. Is the Box Drive extension fixed?
Anonymous commented
I understand that the change to Apple Silicon (M1) is a major undertaking but it was announced six months ago. We have Macs that we can't deploy because Box Drive does not work with M1 Macs. Please put more resources to support Apple releases in a more timely fashion.
Anonymous commented
Please advise if I am doing something wrong or if there is a fix in the works.
Anonymous commented
We are moving towards to all users running ARM devices. If Box cannot support this we will need to look at an alternative provider.
David Casserly commented
Rolling out ARM processor devices and will need to consider moving to a cloud service that can support! Drive is the ideal solution if it can be upgraded to work with ARM etc.
Mauro Cavalli commented
I agree too to upgrade Box Drive to ARM arhitecture.
It very important this upgrade.