Organize and Move Shared Folders Within Non-Shared Folders
I would like to organize folders that have been shared with me within folders that I myself have created and do not share with others.

Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
++++1 for this issue, it makes the home directory extremely disorganized.
Anonymous commented
This is terrible - I was going to combine all of my cloud storage to box but without this, its unusable
Anonymous commented
This is a HUGE issue! There are other threads on this and it's one of the biggest problems with file management in Box. How do we get this on your roadmap?
Anonymous commented
This is still an issue. I frequently have people share box folders with me and then I have no way to organize them effectively. Please implement a solution to this, even just being able to move to other folders.
Anonymous commented
Work around suggestion: Assuming you are owner level of the Box account, download files to PC, then end collaboration within the file options in Box. Then upload to appropriate folder if you need to keep it. Note ending collaboration will not be an option for 'living/live dynamic shared documents'. Dropbox will have team box solution to better handle this. Alternatively, MS Azure/Office 365/Teams /{sharepoint backend} [for organization = not free personal] shared documents will as well.
Anonymous commented
It's impossible to effectively use Box when my folder is filled with folders people have shared with me and which I have no ability to organize. I'll continue to use DropBox (which fixed this issue over a decade ago!) for files I have control over until/unless this is resolved.
Anonymous commented
"We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap." = "Good user experiences are not a priority for Box."
Anonymous commented
Please do that! It is silly that we cannot organize the shared folders and they stay in our root directory!!!
Anonymous commented
This is a terrible organizational structure. Collections only work online and even then are not a good idea. I use the Box drive client so I only ever see the root directory and couldn't use collections if I wanted to.
I just keep getting added to other peoples folders (and everyone uses different naming formats) and now my root directory is extremely messy. It takes me forever to find what I'm looking for. I don't understand how this is not a number one priority because every day as a user it makes me frustrated. I would not be using Box because of this issue if it weren't for my institution.
Anonymous commented
+1 to this issue. I cannot imagine how this could be hard to implement.
It makes a world of difference to organize my shared folders into their corresponding project folders. Having all shared folders permanently at the root level is straight-up dysfunctional and completely defeats the purpose of using Box.
Anonymous commented
In looking for a solution to this issue I find this thread, indicating there is no solution because Box has chosen not to provide one. Echoing all the comments here, this is a major flaw with Box, one that is easily resolved as evidenced by other companies that provide this functionality, including Google Drive. In Google Drive I can move files and folders shared with me to whichever location I like in my drive without effecting how/where others see those same shared files and folders. People need to be able to organize the vast amount of information now shared in an online format, otherwise what exactly is the point of Box’s existence?
Anonymous commented
This is a basic feature that need to be considered for implementation. I organize all my files within 3 folders I have created at the root of my Box. But when I go to the Box Drive location in windows explorer it will show me 200+ folders and numerous files in the root cluttering the view and navigation. The folders and files others have shared with me should not be in the root folder. In many posts Box representatives are suggesting to create a main folder and use that for all my files. That is what exactly I am doing but it does not resolve the issue. Even that single folder get drowned in the clutter of shared folders. Collections can be used to manage it ion the web interface. But it is of no help for the Box Drive interface.
Anonymous commented
Collections DO NOT address the problem. We are visual people who want a clean page when we open up box. We cannot move shared files and folders that are cluttering up our space. People have been complaining about this for TWO YEARS NOW. Come on, box. Do better!
Anonymous commented
Collections feature is NOT an acceptable solution. We need to hide/archive folders.
tsoares commented
I believe Collections doesn't solve the issue. It only allows you to bookmark folders.
Michael M. commented
In response to the "Gathering Feedback" comment posted by "Anonymous (Admin, Box)" on Feb 17, 2022: Collections are not available in Box Drive. If Box refuses to implement this feature that many people have requested for years now (ability to organize shared folders), then please at least make the supposed solution (Collections) universally available across all platforms! Even better would be to simply give the users the feature they've repeatedly requested, instead of telling them they shouldn't want it. Dropbox can do this; why can't Box?
Anonymous commented
Hi this is insane. Anyone can fill my root folder? I don't have control over the organization? It's reflected on my actual machine? It's an unworkable mess! Literally dysfunctional. Please solve.
Anonymous commented
It's 2022. People have been complaining about this since 2019!
All we want is to put the share folders into another folder instead of showing all of them in the root folder!!
Can you imagine whenever you open box online and box app, when you want to find your own folders, but there are hundreds of shared folders that block your sight?
We just don't want to see shared folders in the root folder!! Please hear us!!! BOX!
Anonymous commented
I have written about this previously, but I want to emphasize again how difficult this issue is as an end user who is required to use BOX at his institution. Please give user control over how we organize our Box files and folders. This problem is exacerbated by users who use Box as a catchall and then share it with another user, these filling up two Boxxes with usually irrelevant files and folders that do not require the level of security Box provides.
Anonymous commented
I agree. My All Files list is becoming unwieldy between my own folders and the various committee folders, project folders, resource folders and group folders that have been shared with me. With all kinds of different naming conventions, it does little good to just sort by name because most people don't realize that the "intuitive" name they gave their folder before sharing it with me, isn't so intuitive.