Retain annotations in subsequent version(s) of a document
We use annotations when a group of us is proofing and suggesting edits to a document. When we're finished, when the designer makes our edits to the document, and then uploads a new version. Unfortunately, once the new version is uploaded, unlike general comments, the annotations are gone so we can't check in our changes. It would be great if you could make it possible to view annotations from the previous version of a document. Right now, the only workaround is to avoid using annotations, or to open the previous version of the document in a separate browser window and compare the windows side by side. Thanks!

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
We'd like to be able to check off the comments in the PDF or comment back on the original comments to show that an edit has been made. This would really support our workflow to provide feedback and make revisions.
Anonymous commented
When I open a pdf file using either of the online tools provided by Box to mark/correct/make notes. The corrections are made and saved, the file is refreshed in Box but the marks and corrections only appear in a split second flash as the file is opened. Then they are no longer visible within box. I have to download the saved file from the online pdf reader tool, save on my computer then reupload in box for the other person to see it. Can you fix this?