Manual pause syncing
Sometimes I want to reorder / organize / rename files before syncing.

Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
As for other applications (gdrive and onedrive) it would be useful to insert the synchronization pause function: for defined hours or indefinitely, leaving the user the possibility to restore synchronization.
Thanks 1000.Come per altre applicazione (gdrive e onedrive) sarebbe utile inserire la funzionalità di pausa della sincronizzazione: per ore definite o a tempo indeterminato, lasciando allputente la possibilità di ripristinare la sincronizzazione.
Grazie 1000.(Edited by admin) -
Sean Hufnagel commented
Going back to box sync till this is available. No way to use a mobile hotspot.
Anonymous commented
It's really necessary a Pause/Offline button as in Box Sync
Anonymous commented
Dropbox does. I use both and it's a definite advantage over Box. I would reconsider adding this feature. How hard can a pause sync button be to add?
Anonymous commented
I just installed Box Drive but I'm considering going back to Box Sync as, at least, I can prevent it to start up when Windows starts. Then when I want to sync my files, I just start Box Sync manually.
Sure, I could limit the "available offline" files to limit data traffic but then when I need to work offline (no Internet connection) I don't have my stuff to work on.
As a temporary fix, I suggest you add at least the option to prevent Box Drive starting up when the system is booted, similarly to what you can do with Box Sync.
That'll do until you, hopefully, add the "sync pause" feature to Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
Lack of this feature is making me continue to pay dropbox, even though my employerprovides Box for free. I will keep advocating to our IT department to buy DropBox for this reason.
Anonymous commented
Without this feature box constantly hinders us from having calls with customers via Teams/Zoom etc.
This can`t be that hard and is extremly important in these times of video calls only
Anonymous commented
The lack of this feature presents a serious Catch 22: when the Box Drive app isn't running I can't access my files and, but running it clobbers a slow internet connection. I was just on a Zoom call with a major Hollywood Director while filming in a remote location, and had to launch Box Drive to show him a file - one I had already chosen "make available offline," no less. The simple act of launching Box Sync tanked my internet connection to the point where Zoom kicked me out of the call, and it took me several minutes to copy the file out of Box, quit Box Drive, and rejoin the call. Quite embarrassing, to be honest. Please add the ability to pause syncing as a feature!!!
Anonymous commented
This is a required feature when working remotely on a tethered connection.
Anonymous commented
This would be a great feature to have, my internet connection isn't the greatest.
Anonymous commented
I commonly upload batches of large files to my BOX account...but this hammers the internet connection and has family impact with other things they - or I - need to do. DropBox has the ability to "pause" all local (machine-level activity), and Box should have the same (I assumed that you did, as it is so basic).
Anonymous commented
I also vote to have a simple Pause button for slow internet connections.
Anonymous commented
The application bottlenecks upload speeds to a crawl within the system and offers no way to see progress of the upload or pause this function, which affects the ability to video conference or use any tools that requires even a modicum of that upload bandwidth. Not having a pause feature and a sync progress menu seems like a huge oversight and the fact that the Box app has been without this functionality for over a year now seems insanely negligent. Not being able to pause long and strenuous uploads practically kills all usability and seems counterintuitive to the idea that the application would have greater functionality than just using the web interface. Any indication from the company that this is on the radar and something that will be added soon would be really appreciated.
Anonymous commented
I work in research and we generate large sets of data, in addition the post-processing also results in large sets of data. During the pandemic we have been forced to use our home internet to upload these files and often times my computer crashes because box app hogs the memory and attempts to upload all these files, please incorporate a pause feature or something. This is getting ridiculous.
Anonymous commented
Wow - crazy that this feature is still missing 🤷♀️
Anonymous commented
Here to also say ability to pause is very much needed as it very much slows or sometimes stops my business activities when syncing large files.
Anonymous commented
Please prioritize adding this feature as soon as possible. If this is not dealt with soon, I will likely petition my employer to switch to a new cloud storage solution.
Anonymous commented
one year later still nothing.. you need a hand on programming a pause sync function guys?
maybe it is not possible due to your sourcecode or something, please tell us ;)
Anonymous commented
Genuinely confused about why this feature isn't already available. It's a very critical function
Kartik Shah commented
This is a critical function that is required. I am actually surprised that Box does not have this feature.