Ability to reduce file size when image is scanned via the Box mobile app
Ability to reduce file size when image is scanned via the Box mobile app.
- Currently, the size of PDF files obtained when we scan a document via the Box mobile app, is very large.
- Example: Box app on iPhone file size - 7.4MB; Apple's "import from iPhone" file size: -3.9MB. - Could we have the ability to resize / reduce quality of these files?

Rob Bilson commented
Would love to see this as well from both a performance and storage optimization standpoint, especially as our data volume grows.
Anonymous commented
New box.com corporate user. Love the mobile scan feature, but the file sizes are ridiculous. 2MB for a single page black and white scan? I can't roll this out to my users. As other commenters have noted, direct competitors have this figured out. PDF compression is commonly available. Please address this issue!
Anonymous commented
I am using this app and trying to also use if for my company since I am a CPA and tax time is here... I could have clients scan and upload pdf documents to me but the are very LARGE I MEAN LARGE That is is painful to work with... I had thought this was a solution but the size of these scans are prohibitive... Box can you do something with the scan size from the Mobile app? specifically the iphone app but I would think the Android Box app is same.
Anonymous commented
In terms of process, the box feature 'import from iPhone' is a great idea and perfectly implemented, but I totally agree, that this great feature is unusable because of file size. Even if change the setting to black & white, the file size is more than 1 MB. As long as this is not fixed, I can do nothing but use the scan feature of another cloud storage provider, which creates documents of about 300 kB instead of 1.4 MB, box does, of exactly the same sheet of paper with black & white setting.
I hope this issue is not ignored, because bigger file sizes means larger storage space, needed, which results in higher subscription plans and thus more revenue. I really hope, this is not the reason. -
Anonymous commented
I use both Box and OneDrive because of work. I scanned a receipt using both apps. OneDrive file size, 346kb.....BOX file size, 3.4MB.
Why not simply put the same level of compression into BOX.
Anonymous commented
+1 to this. Why hasn't this been addressed? Would be really easy.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. The in-app scanning feature is amazing but ultimately unworkable as a solution due to the ridiculously large resulting PDF size. I scanned a 1 page document and the PDF was 7MB! A 7 or 8 page document was over 50MB! Insane. This needs to be prioritized by the Box Product team else no one will really use the scanning feature. Allow users to specify the quality they want based on whether the document is mostly just text, or if there are photos that require high quality. Either way, users must be able to control the final PDF size.
Anonymous commented
If the file size is not addressed by Box, then it makes the Box Scan feature unusable.
Box Admin Service commented
Couldn't agree more! Currently, if I scan multi-page documents with Box app, I download them to my PC, open in Acrobat and save as reduced file sizes. The file sizing is just too large and we need some options to reduce that within the Box app.