We would like the usage standards for Box Connector for Microsoft Graph to be relaxed.
Currently, the Box Connector for Microsoft Graph requires fewer than 10,000 Box users, but the improved interoperability between Box and Microsoft products is more beneficial for larger tenants.
I would like the user limit to be increased or eliminated.
Additionally, We can currently search and display Box content (up to 20,000 recent items) across the Microsoft ecosystem, but this amount of content is not very searchable, so we'd like to see as many as possible.
Box Connector for Microsoft Graphの利用基準を緩和してほしい
現在、Box Connector for Microsoft Graphを利用するにはBoxユーザーが10,000人未満であることが条件ですが、Box製品とMicrosoft製品間の相互運用性の向上は、大人数のテナントでより効果的です。
また現在は、Microsoftのエコシステム全体でBoxのコンテンツ (最大20,000の最新項目) を検索して表示できますが、このコンテンツ数では検索性が低いため、可能な限り多くしてほしいです。

Anonymous commented
With 20,000 content items in a Box tenant, the search function cannot be used at all, so I would like to increase the number of content items as much as possible.
(Edited by admin)