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293 results found

  1. View folders in Box notes

    Right now you see a large collection of recent notes but no folder structure - have a view showing folders.

    29 votes
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  2. Backup Box Notes

    I would like to have the ability to create a backup of my Box Notes or at least label version history (e.g. add a "v1.2" tag at a certain point in history).

    I have tried using the Copy feature to copy the Box Note, but the copy does not retain the comments, annotations, or history.
    I have tried copying the content into Word to no avail.
    And there is no download button for Box Notes.

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  3. Ability to change view/edit settings of shared link for Box Notes file in the USM

    We would like to change view/edit settings of shared link for Box Notes file in the USM. This is really inconvenient, so we have to open box notes file to change view/edit settings

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  4. The ability to insert an automatically updating date and time stamp in customized BOX note templates

    The ability to insert an automatically updating date and time stamp in customized BOX note templates

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  5. Make error message more apparent when slash or back slash is used in Box Notes' title

    When slash or back slash is used in the title of Box Notes, it suddenly changes back to its original title as those characters cannot be used.
    An exclamation mark icon quietly appears in the right side of the title, but unless I hover over my mouse pointer, it is not apparent why it changed back my title. Please show this error message more apparent (maybe always show it for the first 10 seconds) and/or color exclamation mark icon in red, so that the users can notice what went wrong.

    2 votes
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  6. Notes Templates for Mobile

    Please add the ability to use Box Notes template on the mobile app.

    14 votes
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  7. Find in Page support for Box Notes

    Add “Find in Page” text search for Box Notes. Even if you have infinite scroll i want to search a long box note for a keyword and jump to that location in the box note document

    10 votes
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  8. Ability to upload a new version file with a Box Note.

    Allow existing files to be uploaded with a different file type for next version (e.g. existing word file can get uploaded with a box note for a new version).

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  9. Search Existing Templates when creating a new Box Note from a Template

    As a Box user, when I am creating a new Box Note from a template, I want to be able to search existing templates (by template name), so that I can easily re-use existing templates created by others in my organization instead of scrolling through the template list.

    6 votes
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  10. Disable Box Notes for Individuals Outside the Organization

    It would be great if there were separate buttons to disable Box Notes either completely for everyone, or just for people outside of the organization. We use Box Notes internally for meeting planning, and we have this one client who uses it consistently to provide data, but we would really love it if she was prevented from doing so while those of us who work here could still use the feature for meeting prep.

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  11. Create new Box Note using

    Similar to how other services like MS Word have, it would be great to have to create a new Box Note from the URL

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  12. 2 votes
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  13. git-like ‘RAW’ mode for Box Notes

    When I have a Boxnote with a trailing backslash (’\’) a copy-and-paste into an xterm (Linux X11, Mac OS Xquartz), it converts the backslash to a control character.

    When I copy a Boxnote with a backslash I get the following:


    !/bin/env bash

    echo “Hello World!” \
    <A0>“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”

    And the string ‘<A0>’ is highlighted.

    It appears to me that Boxnote is interpreting a backslash at the end of a line as a ‘backslash<A0>’ when copy-pasted into an Xterm using vim. I tested the placement by putting a backslash in the middle…

    12 votes
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  14. Ability to identify "who wrote" in Box Notes

    We would like BoxNotes to see who writes note lines like OneNote does. This can make easier for users to let other users know who leave comments without typing their name.

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  15. Allow for video to be inserted into Box Notes.

    I would appreciate the ability to embed videos onto Notes pages for easy viewing – on the page – by page visitors. Even video uploads aren't allowed.

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  16. Need a better way to track locations of Box Notes

    Bread crumbs are very useful on BOX documents and folders to explore relevant related documents, but they don’t exist on the page of Box Notes. You see them in the index on the left, but that doesn’t correspond to the Box Note you happen to be on. I have to hunt & search if I want to see other docs in the same folder. It would be great if this functionality could be added into Box Notes.

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  17. Allow users to select a folder when creating a new note in the notes console

    When creating a new note from the notes app, you should allow users to select which folder the note lives in. It currently defaults to the root of the user's drive. Or improve upon the move note feature.

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  18. Timesheet

    Dropbox Paper has a feature for a timesheet. I want to use such a tool in Box. It would be better for an easily planning of Projects with a little calendar or something like that. It would be great if you can develope such a tool.

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  19. Fix the copy/paste feature so that random spaces are not removed from the pasted content

    When copying from one Box Note to another (and probably from other rich text sources also), numerous spaces are removed from the pasted text. Often times, spaces are removed immediately following hyperlinks, but also from between random words throughout the text, requiring a complete, time-consuming review and cleanup of the new content.

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  20. Ability to discern between your notes and notes shared with you on left menu.

    This would make finding your own notes easier and also help you easily know if a note was created by you or someone else. This would be a variation of the different colors of Box folders.

    9 votes
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