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381 results found

  1. Enhance relay feature

    Relay limitations:

    Not being able to tie outcomes from one flow to other outcomes from other flows all within the same workflow. Dynamically having related outcomes is critical to Relay’s usefulness.

    Cascading folder metadata not being brought over when copying a file.

    Having a third option for approval tasks (approved with feedback/conditionally approved).

    6 votes
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  2. After file request is complete, allow customization of who receives notification

    Ability to notify specific email address (not user who upload file) after user uploaded file via File Request.

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  3. Improve Relay error messaging for missing info

    If there is info missing, the relay workflow can still be saved. Instead of wiping out all that you've drafted, it goes into an inactive state so you don’t lose your work when you close the window.

    Even better would be if the error tells you WHERE you are missing info. Instead of the vague, “please fill out all required fields before saving" messaging

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  4. I like automation; I would like to be able to pull data from different Google Sheets that are all located in my Box.

    In Google Drive, all the documents can be referenced to each other. For instance, I can pull data from one Google Sheet to another separate Google Sheet (using the IMPORTRANGE function). This function no longer works as it now says "spreadsheet cannot be found."

    13 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  5. Use a relay to output reports periodically.

    Use a relay to output reports periodically.

    6 votes
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  6. Add the ability in Relay to move the parent folder in addition to moving the file the triggered the relay workflow

    Currently, I'm able to use Metadata to trigger a relay on a specific file. When this happens, I'd like to have the ability to move the folder that the file is in, and not just the file. Currently, I'm only able to move the file and that doesn't work when we have multiple files that would need to be moved in the same folder. It's simpler to just move the folder that the file is in.

    Example use case: When managing a hiring process, we receive a lot of resumes. In addition to the resumes we receive other documents like…

    4 votes
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  7. Create a new workflow, after the folder creation.

    We want to create a new workflow, after the folder creation.

    We are planning to have two types of flows, "Project folder creation flow" & "Approval flow(under the newly created folder)".
    The "Project folder creation" is fine, but for "Approval flow" we need to create it each time after new project folder has created.
    So it would be great if we can create the "Approval flow" after the project folder has created.

    Project folder creation
    Trigger: Folder creation
    Outcome: Copy the prepared folders underneath the folder which triggered the relay.
    the prepared folders include "Review" and "Approved" folders.

    Approval flow…

    5 votes
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  8. Auto Delegation of task

    Allow user to set OOO (Out of office) and pick someone to auto delegate the task during his/her absence. This should delegate only tasks assigned directly to the user or if every member of a group is assigned a task. If the task is assigned to a group and marked as "Only 1 member from group to finish", then auto delegation should not happen.

    16 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  9. 1 vote
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  10. Ability for variable dates in metadata templates

    When assigned a metadata template as a Relay outcome, customer would like to have the Date value be dynamic and reflect the date the template is assigned, vs the date the workflow was created. The idea is that each outcome would change the status field of the file, and they'd also like to capture the date the status was changed. Knowing the date the status changed would allow end users to search for content in a certain status, by date range.
    This functionality currently does not exist without asking the end user to manually update the date. Use case for…

    2 votes
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  11. not being able to navigate easily to upper folder is a pain

    if i enter a folder i can only go back using arrows from browser and not click on a navigation path like anywhere elsewhere. i's really boring and painful

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  12. Relay action: create Box note

    From trigger, create a Box note from an existing template.

    10 votes
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  13. Report on who has Relay enabled

    Ability to report on who has Relay enabled in an enterprise account. Via "Export users" would be nice, but not even Box's own reporting team can produce this data right now which is unfathomable.

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  14. Requesting the ability to upload a file for sharing but set a date/time for when the sharing will start.

    In the entertainment business films and music can't be released until a specific date and time. The assets are ready in advance. I would like to create a folder for sharing with a start date and time for the sharing. This way I can invite people to a folder i want to share, but they can't access the content until the approved date and time. A time counter would be great so the person i am sharing with will know when the files will be released.

    6 votes
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  15. Users don't get email notifications for assigned tasks unless they're in the folder

    Users don't get email notifications for tasks in Relay unless they're collaborators in that folder. It doesn't always make sense for the users to be collaborators and this can add clicks to the Relay experience. Because of this, users that rely on Box Drive don't get notified that tasks have been assigned to them unless they log into the web app to check.

    Can users get email notifications when they've been assigned a task in a workflow regardless of whether they're collaborators in the folder?

    3 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  16. automatic periodically delete

    Current feature only delete on specific date/time. please add regular/recurring delete/trash feature. e.g: every 1 week delete certain folder. Every 1 month delete specific folder. Thanks.

    3 votes
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  17. Copy files to Relevant Folders based on Tags or Automation Rules

    We would like to setup Automation rules for folders that would COPY and not MOVE new files to designated folders.

    To take the idea even further, if the COPY could be triggered by a TAG assignment, it would be even better, because some of the files in the affected folder should not be copied, while other should.

    1 vote
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  18. The ability to put comment with mentions in a file as an outcome

    As a user, I would like to add comment with multiple @mentions as Relay outcome

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  19. Workflow is giving away private data- this should be fixed

    When viewing my workflow folder, I see a name of the last person that edited some workflow + an indication of the number of workflow items in general

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  20. Automated Set of Subfolders

    I'd like the same set of subfolders to be created automatically for every matter (parent folder) I create, so i don't have to constantly re-create the subfolders.

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