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258 results found

  1. If Box can have a feature for contents from Box be easily migrate to our Company's Share Point site as archival items, that will be helpful.

    The documents and photos for our existing stores are no longer needed to be shared with any outside vendors. We would like to migrate and archive those information within our company's share point site. Currently Box doesn't have that a feature for a easy migration. Instead, items will need to be downloaded as a zip file first. It takes time and the process is tedious. If Box can have a migrate feature that can allow the Admin to move Box content back to our desire Share Point site, that will be very helpful.. don't you all think?

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  2. Improve overall support response times

    Overall support response times for Box standard support have been terrible as of late. I understand that most staff are working from home but this does not justify >3 day response times on tickets where functionality within your products is broken and is hindering productivity.

    Did you fire half of your support staff?

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    not planned  ·  JoeChang responded

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have escalated your support ticket.

  3. HP

    Adquiri un computador portatil marca HP y en el aparece que tengo derecho a 25 gb en la nube de por vida en BOX queria saber como puedo obtenerlos? gracias

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  4. Have cursor be in New Folder name input upon selecting New/Folder

    This used to happen automatically but now when a user creates a new folder, they have to click into the folder name input box; last month, this was not an issue (i.e., when a user clicked New, then Folder, they could instantly start typing the name of the new folder and then click Create to make the folder).

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  5. Advance warning before password expiry

    Please add advance warning before password expiry.

    As of today, when password expires box disconnects you with no prior warning. Unsaved work may be lost, it may be an inconvenient time to reset password etc.

    It would be helpful if Box sends an advanced notice, allowing the user to reset password several days prior to final expiry .

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  6. Please add the extension of .textgrid to the acceptable list of extensions.

    Please add the extension of .textgrid to the acceptable list of extensions.

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  7. Relay Lite for multiple users

    Relay Lite has a limitation that would work only for a home user. Any business organization would have a primary and backup user monitoring work items, so the ability to list multiple people on the workflow notifications and having only one complete it is essential. We can list multiple recipients in other areas of your product, and should be able to do so in Relay-Lite, rather than being restricted to a single radio button choice.

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  8. Increase Basic upload limit during COVID-19 stay home mandate?

    At least during this crisis, could you allow for a much higher upload limit, say 1GB? Please? Your user interface is the very best for those who are unfamiliar with large file transfers and there are many people unfamiliar right now.

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  9. layout for accepting custom terms of service needs improving for lower resolution screens

    I just had to change to another device, from my laptop, in order to make the "accept" button visible on a custom terms of service popup. Any click outside the popup dismissed it so scrolling didn't work to gain access to the button.

    The screen in question is 768 vertical resolution, so not too unusual, and there was a lot of unnecessary vertical white space on the popup that pushed the button off screen.
    Browser was Chrome on windows.

    Simply making this popup less high, or moving the button away from the lower corner, would enable a much better sign…

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  10. Landscape view for Box Capture on iPad

    Most annoying to have my whole iPad switch to portrait when opening Box Capture. I read from another post that landscape videos are flipped to portrait.

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  11. Provide a glossary?

    Seat, user, internal user, external user, collaborator, link sharer, editor, viewer, “inviting collaborators,” “sharing links,” and more - that's a LOT of jargon. How about providing a glossary of your terms for the uninitiated?

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  12. Select folders from hard drive to sync with box

    Rather than syncing to a separate Box folder on my desktop, I would an application that would make it able to flag folders and files that already exist on my hard drive. I would very much prefer to be able to open my Windows Explorer and right-click on a folder and make a selection that would automatically sync that folder from where it is in my hard drive to Box.

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  13. see folder in file properties

    When I send a colleague an email from Box (by @Name in a comment), the email contains a link to the file, but no info on the location of the file within our folders. If I'm asking that person to change the file's tags, they have to hunt for where the file is located. If they could see the location from the file properties, they could get right to it.

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  14. Product feedback in Japanese on Box Pulse

    We want the ability to send Box product feedback in Japanese on Box Pulse.

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  15. Can you modify the text in the prompt whenever sharing/collaborating with external users?

    On the prompt page just below the continue button, can you change this "Not a part of Universal Service Administrative Company?" to “No, I am not part of Universal Services Administrative Company". Can you make it a hyperlink to enable external users to see and click on it ? The status quo now is creating a lot of confusion when collaborating with external users.

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  16. Support

    Provide support contact details, atleast a chat bot for real time fixing of issue. Please consider the users sense of urgency.

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  17. Enable account upgrades without needing to have 3 members

    I currently have a Personal Pro account, and I'd like to upgrade to get more storage. It seems, however, that all upgrade options involve at least 3 users. I am but one. As much as I'd like to clone myself sometimes, it's just not practical (or, frankly, ethical...but that's another story).

    Can we make a way to upgrade a 1-person account without having to pay for two unnecessary users?

    If not, you're essentially throwing up a middle finger to solo practitioners, which isn't very nice.

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  18. Get User Data For Data Warehouse

    If building a data warehouse, would like a way to feed the data from Box directly into a data warehouse without having to use Box reports.

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  19. Account Storage capacity

    My company has the Business License which according to the product description has unlimited storage. Yet I see a usage gauge in my profile with a 10 GB limit. Is the storage unlimited or set at 10 G B per user.Please contact me immediately as this may be impacting production leifeasterson 631 637-2369. If there's a better way to contact Box with an issue it needs more visibility.

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  20. "You removed all applications from your Login Activity List" Email and no Box Documentation

    After changing passwords users receive an email stating that "You removed all applications from your Login Activity List, The following [yyy] applications were removed from your Login Activity List:"

    It would be very helpful if Box had a KB or documentation that we could share with Users around this email. The email is confusing to users and we receive many service desk requests asking for clarification from this email. Box, can you please create a KB please.

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