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83 results found
Please bring back the drag and drop feature for moving docs to the folder.
Please bring back the drag and drop feature for moving docs to the folder.
1 vote -
How can I specify a file type to ignore or block
I found a thread on the forum (URL copied below) which was asking exactly what I am looking for. However, it is 4 years old and this page also has many ideas suggested but they haven't been addressed. Thus, I am not sure if my idea will be addressed but I will mention it anyway. are certain files I want Box sync to ignore or block. I would suggested allowing the user to create a configuration file in the root folder for the same in which we can specify files to ignore or block. This way, Box sync…
1 vote -
Box has recently changed the way file verssions count against storage quota.
With a Personal Pro account type there is no way to limit the number of file versions its set at 10. This makes 100gb of storage into 10gb of storage with each file saved 10 times. I'd like to see an option to limit or turn off file versions as I understand the Enterprise edition has. Also, there is no way to quickly delete all these unnecessary and unwanted file versions. I was told we need to click each file and delete each version one by one. I'd like to see a quick global way to delete old file versions.
1 vote -
Folder Sync Prioritization from User
Box Sync Prioritization**
I know my coworker has been working in Folder A, and has uploaded or updated new documents.
We are handing off the project, and so I know I need to access them as soon as I can...
I should be able to hit prioritize Folder A so that that is the first set of files that need to be synced to my system. Folder A gets pushed to the front of the queue and all other files get put on hold until I get what I need synced. This could save me hours.
1 vote -
Freeing up space with Box Sync
I would like the ability to save the Box sync folder onto a different drive on my PC. Currently, it's on the C drive, but it fills up FAST, so it would be incredibly beneficial for me to save it to another drive on it.
Barring that, I'd like the ability to free up space on my Box folder so that it's only on my machine when I need it.
-Sergio Lopez
2 votes -
When uploading to Box, it is common to upload all files in a folder. At this time, the same file may be uploaded multiple times, but is it
When uploading to Box, it is common to upload all files in a folder.
At this time, the same file may be uploaded multiple times,
but is it possible to set it so that only new files are uploaded based on the timestamp?
Because I want to stop unnecessary version upgrades.
In the case of FTP, there is a "mirroring upload" function,
which uploads only new files based on the timestamp.
1 vote -
BoxDrive needs to have the BoxSych feature for selecting shared folders, and tracking and updating new folders and files in the file tree.
They sync feature needs to be incorporated into BoxDrive
1 vote -
Ability to sync folders across multiple users
My corporation has several regionally-controlled folders containing information that should be the same. Right now, that information has to be manually copied and/or reconciled to ensure the data is the same. I would like the ability to connect multiple folders from different users to ensure that the data is always synchronized across the regionally-controlled folders.
1 vote -
STOP making online only files if i didn't want.
I save a project on box folder, put to make available offline, and then next day cant open it wasn't available, and have to wait hours to edit again, how can i make to that not happen again?
1 vote -
Provide a sync client for Linux - like Dropbox, Nextcloud etc has.
When logging in to the shared area I've been invited to, I get a pop-up telling me to complete my set up by downloading the sync-client. But, there is no sync client for Linux to be found, at the download page.
7 votes -
Schedule backups to a drive
I don't want to have to manual back up a particular box file.
Create functionality to scheduled backups to a drive4 votes -
Integration of Google Spreadsheet that synced with Google Form with box
Looking to share the Google Spreadsheet that synced with Google Form with box.
6 votes -
Auto-sync sub folders
If you sync a main folder, every folder under it or created inside it should get synced. I shouldn't have to go back to to see if someone added a folder to the main directory if I have it so that directory is synced.
So if I have main directory Projects and someone adds a folder called Peanuts, it should automatically sync the peanuts folder and all its contetns because I told box to sync everything in the Projects folder. I shouldn't have to search out new folders every day, it should automatically download them to my computer.
3 votes -
5 votes
box sync ignore files
Are you kindly considering adding a feature to skip / ignore certain paths (directories, files) stored on local machine from syncing? Some examples of situations where inability to exclude files from backup causes undesired issues: 1) There are programs which store temporary files among synced folders. These temporary files frequently change and are deleted on program exit, which results into frequent unnecessary synchronization and deletion of files in cloud, therefore waste of computing resources and bandwidth. 2) Specific program creates empty file "running" to indicate it's in running state. Box Sync does not sync empty file but warns user each…
8 votes -
Box Sync support for Apple M1
Box Sync support for Apple M1. We use Box Sync because it gives you the ability to choose which folders you want synced on the computer. Would love Box Sync support for Apple M1
10 votes -
Display folder sync warning message and revers sync from local folders
Dear Admins,
would it be possible to have an option , warning about all data deletion or when whole box folder is being removed from box, be shown before sync. with local folders? This would prevent data loss.
As well option to sync. from local copy will enable option to easily restore data from Box, this would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Klara Satinova,
Kyndryl6 votes -
Show path of synced files with errors
Box currently only shows the folder and file name of an element that had an error with syncing but no path. If you have a lot of files and folders it's impossible to find these elements and fix the sync error, especially if a file has a repeatedly used or undescriptive name.
It doesn't work to search the box folder on Mac and I can't search files that haven't been synced yet in the web interface, so at least the pathname should be displayed, so I can find the affected file locally.3 votes -
please reinstate the Alias functionality with Box on OS
please reinstate the Alias functionality with Box on OS
25 votes -
Remove Box-branded Box Sync folder icon in MacOS Finder Sidebar
I just want a normal-looking, unbranded folder in my Finder Sidebar.
The current Finder Sidebar shows a rather ugly eye-sore of a logo in place of a plain folder icon, with no way to disable this customization so it pollutes every Finder window. I've tried pasting a new folder icon onto the Box Sync folder in the "Get Info" dialog box as is customary on MacOS for ALL other applications, but Box doesn't respect that icon (or the user's wishes).
1 vote
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