Ability to see and access bookmarks in Box Drive
Bookmarks: I store a lot of bookmarks in Box. This bookmarks are not visible in the folder structure on my laptop (links seems not to be stored as files). As a consequence e.g. bookmark titles are only searchable via Box browser interface but not via Windows search functionality within explorer

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
Please implement.
mike.westley@avisonyoung.com commented
I agree with @Tim.Conlon on this - anything that does not mirror what is shown in Box Web in Box Drive, is an error
Tim Conlon commented
Amazing that something doesn't work the way you would expect (you can make a bookmark in the online folder and it doesn't appear on the desktop that is SUPPOSED to be a mirror) for 6 YEARS? fyi workaround. Stick a box note in the folder with the url. Kludgy but it appears on both the on-line folder AND the desktop mirror.
Anonymous commented
Update the status on this - otherwise my company may need to move to another document sharing platform.
Anonymous commented
Six years have passed since the original post, and many comments and votes have been made on the topic since then - with no further response from Box.
Why has this still not been resolved?
Your customers are asking for a basic function to be added, not the ability to control the space station - just the ability to add links/bookmarks that show up and work in the desktop app.
This functionality is available from the majority of your competitors. Is this a case of bloody-mindedness, inability, or simply that you just don't care?
Anonymous commented
My organization utilizes Box for documents from vendors that are stored within different function-based folders. Bookmarks can be used to give our vendor management team access to the vendor documents within the function-based folders, but these bookmarks do not carry over to the desktop Box Drive app, which many of our users prefer to the web app. Please add desktop support for bookmarks, or another means of shortcuts that carry over between desktop and web.
Anonymous commented
For our company, we use Google Docs to creative collaborative presentations. However, having a Google Drive + Box is confusing and the Box/Google Drive integration is glitchy. We've tried the integrations and we've tried creating Google Docs from Box.com, both have problems. I'm looking into using bookmarks as a way to store links to Google Docs on Box.com but would love if they would appear on Box Drive as well since that is the main way our team interacts with Box.
Anonymous commented
This feature is available on Google Drive. So technically Box drive can do this. Please implement this.
Phil commented
Creating a bookmark in BOX should create an alias in Box drive for MacOS
Creating an alias in Box drive for MacOS should create a bookmark in BOXThis is a basic requirement. When will this be available ?
Anonymous commented
Not having this option is painfully frustrating and seriously just doubled the amount of work I have to do, because having multiple copies of a file in different places is asking for disaster. Especially when I could easily link them to the most important one. Can we please get back to this one?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Onderive and Google Drive can handle this, why Box not? This would be a game changer
Anonymous commented
We need shortcuts from windows or mac to show up in Box.com and be transferrable across users or Box.com bookmarks to show up in Box Drive. It's incredibly inconvenient to have to manage one document in two places without being able to just link it to another folder.
StephenD _TX commented
The use-case for this is simple.
1. A box.com bookmark doesn't sync to the Box Drive so those users who only use Box Drive have no idea there is a bookmark in a particular folder.
2. A Windows shortcut or MacOS alias doesn't sync up to box.comWe need either the box.com bookmark to be available on desktop or the desktop shortcut/alias to be available on box.com, not two different solutions.
Phil commented
Box bookmark should be made available as alias in BoxDrive on a mac.
Please implement ASAP -
Anonymous commented
yes yes yes. Also, Bookmarks and collections should be shareable (viewable by other users). Currently there is no way to create reference libraries (that all users can use) that link to a bunch of files throughout the file system.
There is another service, we will not mention their name, that allows you to create shortcuts easily and in multiple ways that are useful on both the web view and file explorer view on one's computer. Super sad Box cant (wont?) get to this.
Anonymous commented
Essential. Please implement
Anonymous commented
Definitely need this feature - big drawback of fully utilizing Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
This should be a core capability of Box. How is it that a cloud-based solution for storing files doesn't have the means for efficiently accessing files through references/links/bookmarks. I realize that capability is available through the web browser, however most users require the capability to navigate folder structures using built-in navigational tools such as Explorer/Finder.
Anonymous commented
This is desperately needed!