Add Device Pinning support to Box Drive

This capability is not currently planned. Please see the Device Trust feature, which can be used in this case.
Adminkschule (Admin, Box) commented
This would enable more control over temporarily removing users access without having to fully de-provision users from the system. Particularly useful with custom SSO setups.
Anonymous commented
I am part of a company of 65,000 users on Box and we require this feature being added before we can take up this app across our domain.
When will this be implemented??
FYI, Sadly i have to use my personal account on this forum since we don't allow connection to the app needed for pulse, a barrier to access on Box Pulse.
RishS commented
There doesn't seem to be an option in the admin console--> enterprise settings -->app use management, tied to device pinning settings for BoxDrive, but there is an option for BoxSync.
Box Admin Admin commented
My understanding is that Box is going to force all Business customers into Enterprise in order to force them into using EMM or Device Trust. They are getting rid of device pinning and Box sync as well. Business licensing will become non existent at that point. Unless someone tells us otherwise, we can only assume based on what Kyle said.
"We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!" AKA upgrade to enterprise.
Box Admin Admin commented
why no device pinning? Is Box getting rid of Device Pinning? What will Business (non enterprise) customers do?
Box User commented
This is an absolute must. The reason why this isn't up voted higher is a lot of Admins don't realize the security risk of allowing users to sync their data on any unprotected device they want.
Device trust can work but its not support unless your on a enterprise plan and Pinning is support on a Business plan. This is a huge discrepancy.