Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Anonymous commented
How hard is it to appreciate that anyone whose computer runs on Linux (as opposed to Windows or MacOS) would have *exactly the same* use case as a Windows or MacOS user. We want to be able to have Box storage appear as a seamless part of our computer's filesystem, so we can access files on it in the same way as Windows or MacOS users can.
If Dropbox can make this work, so can Box. -
Anonymous commented removed its webdav service, which kills the connection between Linux and Box. Please provides an app for Linux or give us webdav service back.
Anonymous commented
I don't have much use for Box because of its lack of Linux support, but since someone asked me to look into it, I'm just chiming in with my deep contempt for Box's half-baked service here.
Anonymous commented
Too bad this isn't going forward.
Anonymous commented
I finally took the leap and deleted everything from my account, and transitioned to another service. If it wasn't for some free promotional storage that I have, I would delete my account entirely. I need Linux support in my workflow. I hope you reconsider, Box. It's been a good few years.
Anonymous commented
If you aren't going to support linux, at least give everyone access to FTP, or provide a way to use wget/curl. I'm a regular user who is trying to access a large set of files from an enterprise account, and my options are really really limited. My experience with Box is utterly terrible, and I'm begging the people sharing the files not to use Box because of it.
Anonymous commented
The key value-add for me in using DropBox is that it works well on all of my platforms. Box is mandated by work, looks like I'll just be avoiding it as long as possible.
What I don't understand is you already support Mac, which means you've got unix-like APIs under the hood anyway.
Anonymous commented
Without a proper Linux cli, Box feels like "File Sharing for Dummies":
- watered down
- featureless
- lame -
Anonymous commented
Just do it! The users of GNU/Linux grows everyday!
Anonymous commented
+1 Box drive/sync for Linux
Anonymous commented
Please ADD Linux client! Thank you very much
Anonymous commented
+1 on the need for a Linux client.
Anonymous commented
While we're not 'owed' an explanation why Box won't open up the world of Linux users (there's millions of us), it'd be nice if they provided one anyway. Is it lack of developer resources? Lack of domain knowledge? Financial decision? Technological constraint on how box works internally?
Also, have you considered a third party creating one for you? You could even make it a perk of your paying clients to have access.
Anyway, a response is appreciated.
Anonymous commented
Looking for an alternative to Dropbox, but, without Linux support, I cannot consider Box.
Anonymous commented
Three words: Dropbox does it. And apparently made the business decision that it was worth it to meet users where they are for different platforms.
Anonymous commented
With the number of requests for a Linux client and yet Box ignoring them I can only conclude Box's response (or rather, lack thereof) is financially driven with little regard for their users.
Anonymous commented
My only reason for using box is that my University provides it for us. As a long time Linux user, I strongly feel that the lack of support from the Box team for a Linux client makes this one of the worst cloud storage options for higher Ed. I will advocate strongly for my University to work with another cloud option unless Box come through with a Linux client. Higher ed is a big part of the business for box, and linux users are a substantial fraction of that community.
Anonymous commented
You have used Linux tools to develop Box, yet do not offer an easy client for Linux users. Nearly all academic institutions will have scores of people wanting this; and that is just one sector. Your previous stance on "demand not being adequate" is completely false.
Anonymous commented
Since Box has does not support Linux (because Microsoft won't let them, it seems), I can't use the product.
I have advised our IT department to search for a different cloud solution.
Anonymous commented
I was happy to hear that our university provides us with a Box account for cloud storage.
Then I found out that there is no Linux client. It seems that has been working on it for over three years, but nothing is happening. It seems like they actually don't want to do this.
So, I am not using my Box account and have sent an e-mail to our IT department advising them to change to another cloud storage solution.