Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Anonymous commented
Using Box with a Linux OS is such a pain.
I hate using box.
Anonymous commented
Seriously? No Ubuntu with Box? Crazy and not smart. Back to Dropbox for majority of my work. :(
Anonymous commented
Android Developer here with a Dell XPS15 with Ubuntu Linux out of the box (pun intended). I'd like to have an officially supported Linux client too to sync stuff between my work laptop and my home's desktop computer so I don't have to carry my laptop from one place to another. My company already has several Box licenses, but it seems I can't benefit from them properly because I use Linux.
I add my voice to this already highly demanded feature here (top #1).
Anonymous commented
I'd like this too.
Anonymous commented
A Linux client will much appreciated! Because webdav support is deprecate! :-(
Anonymous commented
Higher ed, physics department faculty. Box without Linux client support is a big disappointment and a glaring omission. Faculty, students, researchers, all kinds of people in my department use Linux on the desktop. But we can't use Box.
Anonymous commented
With no WebDAV and no native linux client, the only way for linux users to automate Box backups is with FTP or FTPS. But ftp(s) connections fail EVERY TIME for folders with more than a certain number of files in them. This is not an acceptable alternative for linux users, and it's wasting you bandwidth.
I would like to just send new files when I mirror my maildir folder on Box. But I cannot, because there are too many files to use lftp's mirror command; I get a "max-retries exceeded" just when sharing the list of files. So I have to tar up the whole darn folder and send that instead. I do that every day.
So every day there is no linux client, you are wasting about a gb of daily bandwidth from me alone. And that's because I'm nice, and restrict the collection to the past year. If I did all my email, I'd send 6gb every day.
If you are a Linux user, let's continue to send them this message. I can't even see how it's cost effective for them to continue this nonsense.
Anonymous commented
You have used Linux tools to develop Box, yet do not offer an easy client for Linux users. Nearly all academic institutions will have scores of people wanting this; and that is just one sector. Your previous stance on "demand not being adequate" is completely false.
Anonymous commented
How is this the #1 voted suggestion for Box Drive and it in 'not planned' status?
Anonymous commented
This is the top idea so far, plus: there's demand for it.
Anonymous commented
Worked at a few companies that use Box. I always run Linux, so I find alternative tools and competing products to use since there is a lack of support across the board for Linux on your products.
Anonymous commented
Linux Box Drive Please.
Anonymous commented
Jesus you guys promised Linux client (CLI, GUI whatever) this half a year ago. There is a client for android how come nobody cares to make a Java based linux one. I switched to MEGA instead. Bye!
Anonymous commented
I'm in academia, and our department has the typical mandated combination of Linux for workstations and Box for file sharing. Nothing wrong with either one, but it would be nice to be able to use them together.
Anonymous commented
We're still waiting for a Linux Client.
Why is this not a high prioritized task @box ?
There are thousands of box customers who would like to use box by a native client.
Btw. the box-cli is not an option for daily work.
Anonymous commented
WebDav have been the main reason for us to use Box over other storage services such as Dropbox. If no convenient alternative is provided for Linux users my company will consequently give up Box and move somewhere else.
Anonymous commented
"We unfortunately don’t have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time."
Unmasking that this is the only justification for your number 2 idea on this platform. After writing a extensive post about voting for our wishes in the Linux thread of your forum, it seems very frustrating for all of us. Therefore, I think you don't give so much about your users.
I would like to see my organization switch to Nextcloud, Dropbox ... instead of supporting a company which is not able to provide at least one working sync-possibility for every major platform.
Anonymous commented
I work with multiple higher ed institutions that are using Box and make decisions about funding that is allocated to a larger number of institutions that have data sharing requirements.
Due to multiple years of no linux support by Box I will begin actively advocating that Box is not a multiplatform solution and that it is not an acceptable solution for data sharing.
Anonymous commented
Awful support for Linux users from the Box! I would gladly migrate to Dropbox if only my University gave me that option. Hopefully, something will change soon either on Box or on the University side.
Anonymous commented
With WebDAV going away, this is essential to us Linux users.