Shared link to open file directly in Box Drive
Instead of opening in Web App, we should click a shared link to open in Drive.

This is something we’re considering for the longer term roadmap, but not something we’re exploring in the near-term unless there’s more demand.
Anonymous commented
This will improve efficiency from day to day work.
Anonymous commented
This would be a wonderful idea, having so many folks working remote, just sayinnnnnn....
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely helpful. We have just rolled out Box to 1,000 people who predominantly use Box Drive - I've been asked for this many times!
Anonymous commented
There is big demand for this!!!! Please make it happen!!
Anonymous commented
Having this feature would save a lot of hassle and confusion from opening up the link in a browser first and then having to search for it in Box Drive later on.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes it's confusing to know exactly where a link takes you in a browser without then opening the tree and find out where you are at. Opening in the Finder (Mac) would allow you to browse more like a server and make ease of access if you want to open another tab should you need to work in multiple places at the same time (which I happen to do all day long).
Anonymous commented
We need this too! Please add!
Anonymous commented
Please add this. Not sure how long longer term roadmap is, but I believe there is a strong demand for such a feature, in my firm and others.
Anonymous commented
This would be amazing, please add this.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if I could open a Box web folder link in my Box desktop app.
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
We want to open a file from a shared link received via email, etc. directly via Box Drive without going through a browser.
Anonymous commented
I agree, "Yes, now that I've switched to mostly using Box Drive, when I receive a shared Box link from a colleague, I'd like it to open in Box Drive, not in Box web portal. Thanks."
Anonymous commented
Maybe the reason there isn't more demand is that this is a blocker. At least it is for two folks in my team. They'd rather I send them big PPTs by email rather than them having to scroll and scroll through different hierarchies to find the file.
David A commented
Yes, now that I've switched to mostly using Box Drive, when I receive a shared Box link from a colleague, I'd like it to open in Box Drive, not in Box web portal. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I feel this would help as with Box Drive being so spectacular it would give people more of a reason to use it since they would be going straight to their finder/windows explorer to find the files.