Preview .msg / .eml in Box
Ability to preview .msg and .eml files in Box natively.

Geoff Moore commented
with the new version of Outlook no longer supporting MSG this has become a more important piece of functionality to incorporate into the platform.
Anonymous commented
Looking for support for .eml files since the outlook add in natively exports .eml files to Box.
- commented
Not planning to enable users to preview .eml files, but happy for "Box for Outlook" to
FORCE users to save emails to Box as .eml, Unable to change this default Emails saving to Box file-extension, and unable to preview them either.Since Box DOES recognise .msg file formats for Preview.... why, oh why, does it make its hard-wired Box to Outlook file-extension as .eml ????????
Anonymous commented
Just signed my company up for a trial and found out we can't preview .eml files.
This is a deal breaker for me! -
Anonymous commented
msg files are viewable... why noy eml. And if msg files are only going to be support, why not make the box add-in save in msg format.
Sean Hufnagel commented
We archive project emails in our Project archive on Box. No way to view these emails within the box app or box online. Have to download then open each individually.
Aaron Cosentino commented
Outlook integration only saves emails as .eml but there is no preview for .eml. This is a poorly implemented integration and should be adjusted. Please add to the road map.
Anonymous commented
We want to confirm the contents of .msg file on browser. It takes a lot of time to open .msg file with Outlook application everytime.
(.msg file can be previewed but the shape or font are broken. Therefore, we hope we can preview it on browser in the same quality we open it with outlook app) -
TM Admin commented
Previewing both .msg & .eml files is a much needed capability. With the Box / Outlook app integration, this is a no brainer.
Anonymous commented
Many complaints in our org about the difficulty in the workflow, not being able to preview .eml files on Box.
Matt Unsworth commented
The box plugin for Outlook saves all of my emails as .eml files, but the only way to view them is to download and open them with my email client. Adding browser preview support for this file type would increase productivity and provide compatibility with the format used when saving files.
Anonymous commented
any road map on eml file view
Anonymous commented
For me this is one big missing integration. The Box preview works with much more complex document types, .msg .eml should be easy
Catherine Crookes commented
Appreciate the ability to preview the unformatted .msg files in the Box previewer to get an idea of the content - however, it would really help for me to be able to see .msg files in their correct formatting or have the ability to open them within Box using outlook
Anonymous commented
Same as Grant and Matt, it would be beautiful if EML was supported in preview mode in Box !
Grant Holton-Picard commented
I agree with Matt. Not being able to preview EML files devalues the ability to save message body in the new Box for Outlook. I'd still advise our staff to use Box Drive to save email body in MSG format. Which is a shame as there are many other benefits to using Box for Outlook. At the moment we're saying 'Box for Outlook is great and you can use it for xyz but if you want to save message body use Box Drive".
Would be great if EML was supported in preview or if Box for Outlook supported saving message body as an MSG
Matt Stofka commented
The new Box for Outlook allows users to save the entire email as a .EML file in Box, however the Box Previewer does not support the .EML file type. It would seem logical that if you're going to give us the functionality to save with a particular file type, that you'd also let us preview it.
I currently use Box Drive to save emails from Outlook with the .MSG file type, which has some preview support, at least; it doesn't render very well, but at least I can see the email body text in the Previewer. I hope you'll consider this for the roadmap.