Collaborators Page - Add 'Common Folders' Column Back to Page
In Legacy, the Collaborators page had a column called "Common Folders" that told me (as a user) which folders I was collaborating in with the given user.
In Amsterdam, this column was removed, meaning the page only tells me WHO I'm collaborating with, but not WHERE I'm collaborating with them (aka in which folders)...which makes the page FAR less useful.
REQUEST: Add the 'Common Folders' (or something similar) column back to the Collaborators page so that the page can tell me both
1. Who I'm collaborating with across my entire account
2. Where I'm collaborating with each user (aka in which folders)

Interesting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.
Joseph Hopkins commented
This information was available in the old UI