Suffix Match on titles (a form of Wildcard Search)
We need this feature for legal eDiscovery purposes.
We were doing some file name search testing, and we found some odd results based on our filename searches.
If the filename was alphaomega and we tried searching for omega the search does not pull up any results, but searching alpha does pull up the alphaomega files.

Thank you for the feedback. We have noted this feature request and understand the value of this feature. Unfortunately, it is not on the current roadmap.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Improve Search - Support prefix matching on body content, suffix matching in the title or body content, and/or infix (middle of the word) matching in the title or body content. For example, a search on “cal” would match results for a file named “California” but not “decal” or “recall”. It would not match results with file body contents of prefixes, infixes, or suffixes including “Cal”, “recall”, or “decal”.”