Custom collaboration expiration periods for individual folder collaborators
Currently, the only options for collaboration expiration on a folder is set at an enterprise level.
The request is multipart, for the options to
1) Set a custom collaboration expiration period at the folder level only (regardless of what the enterprise setting is)
2) Set different expiration periods (e.g. 30 days vs 60 days) for different collaborators or groups within the folder

David Lam commented
Option 1 Crticial
Koike commented
The ability to change the expiration date for each collaborator is strongly desired.
For external collaborators, the expiration date should be as short as possible for security reasons. The maximum expiration date is one year, and there is a need to set a shorter period.
Also the expiration date is automatically extended for one year, but we may want to extend it for a shorter period of time.コラボレータごとに有効期限を変更する機能を強く希望します。
また有効期限は自動で1年延長されますが、短い期間で延長したい場合もあります。 -
Anonymous commented
Our end users have requested that we add the ability to set an expiration date when inviting external users, so we would appreciate it if you could make this a reality.
どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。(Edited by admin) -
Colo Host commented
I don't see how this hasn't made it into Box long ago. They support expiration on shared links for a reason, and the same logic applies to internal collaborations.
Almost no business entity using Box can set the enterprise-level auto expiry on internal collaborations, because there are countless reasons why internal collaborations need to exist forever, such as cross-department collabs, etc.
So, without the ability to make use of that feature, endless never-expiring collaborations just fill up the root folder of everyone who's ever on the receiving end of one of these collaborations. Everyone in my company has had their root folder end up as a useless mess because of the endless no-longer-relevant collaborations they're in.
Anonymous commented
Most wanted feature in current world
we'd LOVE to see this
John Nickell commented
I'd like to see this as well.