File Type request: .log files (text)
A lot of applications output their logs with the extension .log. These are just text files (.txt) with a .log extension. Unfortunately, files with .log extensions can't load in preview. Please allow .log files to load in preview (for desktop and mobile interfaces).

Thanks for the suggestion of this addition. We are not currently planning to add this functionality, but will keep the post updated for future.
Eric commented
I'd also like to comment that it is very silly for the Box web viewer to not support arbitrary plain text files regardless of their filename extension. There's no need to do syntax highlighting. Just display the text. It's quite surprising that one of the easiest possible suggestions to accommodate would be dismissed.
Anonymous commented
Given that .log files are so common, it is hard to believe it took 16 months to get a response, and then 4 more months to get a non-commit. Given this is the simplest text format in the world, the reluctance to support it is baffling.