Sharing a Collection
I understand that collections are meant to be a user specific setting, however, it would be great to have the ability to share a collection with a co-worker.

Thanks for the feedback. Collections are going to remain as personalized views in the near future. We may revisit this down the road.
Anonymous commented
Bumping this. Short of having shortcuts, a collection would solve a big problem and be a big win for us, and many others, shareable collections.
Anonymous commented
This is a major problem for our team. As an archival/cultural heritage organization, we use Box to store, manage, and provide external access to our digital archival files. Having the ability to share Collections across the team would really enable greater control and discovery of our assets.
Anonymous commented
It is such an oversight that sharing a collection is not an option on your platform
Anonymous commented
I really am at disadvantage when I can not share a collection out to another user. It means I have to share each individual file and interrupts my collaborative project work flow.
Anonymous commented
Can you please allow collections to be shared just like folders ? as it’s so tiring to put all the folders you want to share in one big folder so you will be able to share them together.
Michael Miller commented
Even if it was an admin only feature where you could create collections, say for company resource, and share to groups would go a long way.
Anonymous commented
Collections at the Group Level Assignment, would be groundbreaking for us. Many of our groups have access/permissions set to multiple Folders, but they way they are presented to the user dont allow for a granular "picture" of where things are, below that level. Collections do wonders for this, but we have to train each user to do this, which is happening at a less than 100% accuracy level. :)
Matt Royal commented
Box is shooting themselves in the foot if they're not offering this feature. Collections are great, but the impact would be so much greater if they could be shared.
We've already had one customer organization who was eagerly investigating Box because of Collections decide not to use Box when they ran into this limitation.
If permissions complications are the sticking point, please engage with your customers on ideas to overcome that. We'd be happy to help.
Private vs shared collections should be visibly distinct, of course.
Anonymous commented
This is an extremely important feature. We absolutely need the ability to share a collection with a co-worker or we'll have to investigate another file sharing system.
Anonymous commented
This feature would be a time and lifesaver. I'm trying to improve how we share and use images within my organisation and currently creating "themes" for images to suit different communication needs, if all team members could access my collections, it would be easy for them to find the most appropriate image when needed and save us time on reviews and approvals.
Anonymous commented
Oh, also. Being able to push out collections as an admin based on groups would be Amazing!
Anonymous commented
We work in a production environment and would like for instance a producer to collect all the assets for a job, and then be able to share that 'collection' with the users working on the project. Obviously, this is something you could do by sharing multiple links, but a collection would also allow the 'selection' to be live. So if an asset is added at a later date it would also appear for the entire team.
ONE note about this. I have had similar features with DAMs, and while the were invaluable to the company's environments where the admin couldn't clear these out or further manage these — they did build up. I second cweatherup's comment about allowing admin's to see and manage these (much like relays). Ideally, I'd want to edit...but at least deactivate/remove.
Anonymous commented
Agreed! I can see creating a Collections for HR resources or other important links that the entire company should have access to. I know that you can do this with a folder but folders don't always live on the left rail (which is why I like Collections better than the old favorites).
Anonymous commented
Totally agree. Google Drive allows for sharing any and all files. This is a significant limitation in Box.
Admincweatherup (Admin, Box) commented
Provide the ability to manage collections at the group admin level.