Ability to force sync of Box Drive
Currently, Drive relies on event poll for updating cached contents, and if events (updates on web) are not picked up by Drive in a timely manner, then local contents get outdated (out of sync with web). As a workaround, we want the ability to force sync of a selected folder (maybe add a right click menu to force sync/refresh cache).

This feature was delivered in Box Drive v2.25!
User can right-click on a folder in Box Drive and choose "Refresh folder" to get the latest updates made to this folder from Box on demand if they notice that some updates don't already reflect in Finder/Explorer.
Anonymous commented
This remains an issue. Collaborators must see the same version of a file all the time. Otherwise version control collapses and you end up with multiple files, not knowing which edit were done to which file nor which version is syncing to your computer and which version opens through the online interface.
Anonymous commented
In many cases, there will be a time lag before the information updated on Box Web is reflected in Box Drive.
Due to the time lag, users using Box Drive frequently make work mistakes such as manipulating the file before update.Can you update the function so that it will be updated in real time?
This allows for more seamless work between users.(和訳)
BoxWebで更新した情報もBox Driveに反映されるまでにタイムラグが発生するケースが非常に多くあります。
タイムラグの発生によりBox Driveを利用しているユーザーは更新前のファイルを操作してしまう等の作業ミスが頻繁に発生します。リアルタイムで更新される様に機能アップデートしてもらえますか?
これにより、ユーザー間でよりシームレスな作業が期待できます。 -
Anonymous commented
In many cases, there will be a time lag before the information updated on Box Web is reflected in Box Drive.
Can you update the function so that it will be updated in real time in this case as well?BoxWebで更新した情報もBox Driveに反映されるまでにタイムラグが発生するケースが非常に多くあります。
この場合もリアルタイムで更新される様に機能アップデートしてもらえますか? -
Anonymous commented
Yes this is absolutely needed. At a minimum if someone clicks a file they want to open it should force a poll for new changes before opening or locking a file. It's almost unusable in certain common office collaboration scenarios.
Anonymous commented
The slow syncing is really problematic. It often takes several minutes for files to be synced to our users. A file should be synced as soon as it's saved.
Anonymous commented
Came here for this and it was at the top of the list. Seems crazy that when you go looking for something in a drive folder that you've seen on the browser version you can't force update or even see the status of your sync. Sometimes I'll search for the filename on box which can jog the folder to update.
Anonymous commented
Can we please get some updates on this issue? It makes box really problematic if the desktop box drive does not sync with what's online. Do you have a workaround or some suggestions?
Anonymous commented
Users are confused when this happens. BoxDrive is very convenient and popular with many users. On the other hand, sometimes it is not real-time, and many inquiries are sent to the administrator. I would like you to take some measures such as manual synchronization.
Anonymous commented
The data edited by myself on the Box Drive will be reflected, but I would like the synchronization to be updated in real time for data edited/saved by other users.