Support for Regular Expression (REGEX) for Auto-Classification in Shield
We would like the ability to support Regular Expressions (REGEX) for creating auto-classifications rules in Shield. This would greatly enhance how much we can leverage the capability

Anonymous commented
For financial institutions, regex would help to classify documents with bank account numbers, which vary in format from bank to bank.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
On longer term roadmap
Joey commented
I agree, this would be helpful for detecting things like student IDs for FERPA-related reasons.
Wiebe Woudstra commented
The current solution is for a US social-number. It would be a good solution if the social-number of another country could be used. There is a whole world outside the USA...
Adminsdeines (Admin, Box) commented
Higher education use case: Student IDs are a specific combination of letters and numbers which are not currently able to be detected with existing Box Shield policies. Often the presence of student IDs indicate that these documents may contain PII or FERPA-regulated information.