Box Sign: bulk send the same template to multiple recipients at once (e.g. all employees have to sign annual benefits acknowledgment)
Box Sign: bulk send the same template to multiple recipients at once (e.g. all employees have to sign annual benefits acknowledgment)

We have released the 'batch send' capability in Box Sign.
This enables senders to send signature requests in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet of contacts and specifying the document. Box Sign will then send out a unique invite to everyone listed in the spreadsheet.
The batch send feature is available on the Box Enterprise Plus plan.
This helps address high-volume business processes including:
- Internal processes like HR sending a building entry form that needs to be signed by all employees working in a facility, or annually acknowledging they they have received and read the employee handbook
- External processes like Legal having to send a notice/addendum to all customers regarding an update on contract language.
For more info, please see Using batch send templates
David Garrity commented
I see this is on the roadmap, any timeframe estimation for delivery?
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree this is a very needed functionality... sending the same document to many users for each to sign separately (eg. employee handbook) would be a real timesaver.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree. We run events where we have 20 plus volunteers who need to sign waivers. We often don't know who the volunteers are until the time of the event. It would be hugely beneficial to have a template they could sign that would then save as individual files in Box.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree. We have events where we have 20 or more volunteers that we need to sign a waiver. We often don't know all the volunteers before the event, so we need them to sign in the field. Having a generic template they could sign, without being named, which would then save as individual files would be hugely beneficial.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Rather than send the same contract 1-by-1, enable ability to send the same contract at scale.
E.g. send contract agreeing to HR benefits to all employees.
Anonymous commented
Agreed! I would like there to be an option to create a standard form with a shareable URL link, such that anyone in our school community (typically parents) could go to the URL and complete the form, including a signature. For example we have documents such as annual family handbooks and COVID-19 testing consent forms that need to go out to all families and for an e-signature.
Alternatively, if a file could be shared with more than 35 recipients, we could make due with pasting/uploading a list of email addresses to share it with.
I agree with another comment on the thread that if this is possible, it would be extremely useful to be able to have some control over the generated file name (i.e., to add the person's name or student name from a completed field to the filename).
We would be willing to pay extra for these features if necessary.
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I would love to see this feature as well. To extend this feature, ability to set the file name of signed document by each employee by appending the employee's ID, email or something that can uniquely identify the signer.
Anonymous commented
That would be great feature. For example when having employees sign employee handbook.
Anonymous commented
Ability to send one document template to a single singer which can be sent to multiple people at one time
Anonymous commented
Totally agree this would be a fantastic feature. We send out a file to a large group of people that requires a signature. To have to do this where we name each person would be impractical.
A generic sign box would be huge. -
Anonymous commented
For example, a contract with three parties where person 2 and 3 are the same, but hundreds or thousands of agreement templates need to be send out where person 1 is different. With a bulk important for a given signature line, each doc would not need to be sent one at a time. This is a current feature of DocuSign and vital for our business in order to use an e-signature platform.