Box Mobile - GPS coordinates and Date Taken
Box Mobile – GPS coordinates metadata location. In Box capture, capture saves location metadata about the photo, the longitude and latitude coordinates as Box metadata. The Box Mobile app photo does not save location as metadata on Box but instead you have to access the File Information to get the longitude and latitude of the photo. This is a request to update the Box Mobile to save the location coordinates (metadata) as metadata in Box in addition to file information.
Also, Box app doesn’t capture the metadata for “Date Taken”

Carmen Rojas commented
Our organization needs to view photo original timestamps. We have staff that uploads photos from their phone into a Box folder. Box creates a Created Date and Modified date, but we loose the original timestamp of the folder. We use this date for any possible legal issues.
Anonymous commented
Photo location is only captured through continuous capture. If you go to a folder and click on the "+" sign to "Take a Photo or Video" this will not capture the location of the photo in the properties. Request to update the upload function from browsing the folder first to capture photo location in addition to continuous capture.
Anonymous commented
Use Case from a customer (Nov 2022)
Our office uses the Latitude and Longitude metadata that the Box Capture
app automatically places in the file (see two examples below). Since the
Capture app is being sunset, we need to ensure that our donor recognition
images maintain the GPS metadata visibility in Box.Per Box support: Case #2737083
I understand that one of your users has noticed that photos taken with the Box mobile app while the "Photo GPS data" setting is enabled maintain the associated metadata when downloaded but this metadata isn't visible within 'preview' on Previously, photos taken with the 'Box Capture' were able to collect and show location metadata within preview on Is this correct?
After clarifying this behavior with our mobile team, I can outline that this change in behavior is expected. Currently, Photo GPS data collected via the Box Mobile app (capture feature) is not able to be viewed within 'preview' on the Box web application (
The best way to view the photo GPS data associated with files created using the Box mobile app (capture feature) would be to open the file locally on your device, and view file details.
If this is an improvement that you would like to see considered within future updates to the Box mobile application we would recommend submitting your feedback via our Box Pulse page. Box Pulse is the best place for our product teams to see what features or functionalities our users are most requesting and incorporate user feedback into our vision for our Box Products moving forward.Thanks for considering,
John Kelly
U. of Notre Dame -
Anonymous commented
Box Mobile – GPS coordinates metadata location. In Box capture, capture saves location metadata about the photo, the longitude and latitude coordinates as Box metadata. The Box Mobile app photo does not save location as metadata on Box but instead you have to access the File Information to get the longitude and latitude of the photo. This is a request to update the Box Mobile to save the location coordinates (metadata) as metadata in Box in addition to file information.
Also, Box app doesn’t capture the metadata for “Date Taken”