Disable signature frame
Recently the Signature Frame is released on Box Sign.
I would like to have an option to disable this because we do not need it for internal sign.

Anonymous commented
Our partners are not accepting documents electronically signed with Box Sign due to the signature frame and contents there in. Kindly remove this signature frame and only sign should appear and no other contents that are in the frame.
Anonymous commented
We do not need to show that the signature is signed by box on the document.
We often have the original document formats with signature columns, and box signature frames overlap and hide the original ones. (Also, they look untidy when more than two people put signatures.)
Please provide options for this. -
Adminrbakshi (Product Manager, Box) commented
Customer input - As far as disabling the frame, I think visually it’s not appealing. We are signing letters that we don’t necessarily want the appearance of being digitally signed. We don’t (currently) allow digital signatures from borrowers for most things. We use Adobe Certificates for signing (not Adobe Sign) and have two different signatures set up. One for external facing documents that is only a digital image of our wet ink signature and the other internal that includes a date/time stamp. We would be fine with the frame for internal but I think it might be a hard sell to deviate on the external facing documents. I see that the frame includes a transaction code matching the logs, which I like. I would like to see that information only if I click on the signature.
Anonymous commented
Make the possibility available to not show or even remove the visible individual Signature ID in a signature on a document.
The appearance of the "Box Sign" logo as well as the ID number do not comply with an official document's presentation (as we represent a government)
Anonymous commented
There should be the ability to remove the signature frame if you desire. It looks cleaner and some organizations I work with do not accept the signature when they see the frame on it.