Box Sign requests default "my requests" folder
Box Sign requests default to save into a "my requests" folder for all users. We don't always need the sign request saved into our regular Box folder structure and having a separate place for each user to send their requests to would be more beneficial.

Anonymous commented
This would be a great idea, especially for the ability to centralize all sign requests and saved documents to one folder for the entire corporation.
Anonymous commented
For most people, I would think the best option would be to allow Box Sign files to default save into the same folder that the file to be signed is saved. It would be a huge time saver to not have to continuous re-find that folder to save the file in. The system should default save to that location.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Some companies would like to have all signed documents returned to a specific folder instead of random folders chosen by the sender. Being able to force this from an enterprise level could be very helpful in organizing all signed requests.
Anonymous commented
I totally agree, and we are running into the same situation with HR related signature requests that we want to store in a dedicated location.
iamwhitecavage commented
This would be immensely beneficial for departments like HR where the information contained in the files they are sending out can be considered PII/PIA, therefor should be placed in a folder and not stored on an individual users account.