Ability to specify the destination folder for periodic output of Box reports
We would like to be able to output Box reports periodically by specifying a folder.
Currently, it is possible to output reports on a regular basis, but when providing them to users, it is necessary to manually move the output results, which takes a lot of man-hours.
We would like to be able to fully automate this process, so we are making this request.

Anonymous commented
We have over 90 countries represented and, this would be very useful and time saving if we could have a specific folder designated for each office/country
Vincent commented
We'd like to automatically trigger some workflows based on reports. For instance, we're moving files flagged as malicious to a quarantine folder. Currently, we need to run the report and upload it manually to a folder where the file upload is a trigger action. If we could select the export folder, the entire process would be automatized which would make our process much more robust.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to specify the folder where the report is saved and the file name of the created report.
At the moment, when folders called User Activity run on yyyy-mm-dd 00-00-00 are created, it is difficult to understand which report is in which folder.
Thank you for your consideration.