Box Drive for Windows on Arm
With the release of new Copilot PC by Microsoft and other partners that run on Arm processors it would be nice to be able to install Box Drive on Windows on Arm.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Dear Box Users,
The Box Drive version with ARM support is currently in the beta testing phase. You can join the private beta by contacting your account manager. Please see the post on the community website for more details.
Thank you for your interest in helping make Box Drive better!
Anonymous commented
Have anyone in this thread received any updates from box support team? I’m also having similar problem and waiting for box version for arm based devices.
Anonymous commented
My small business has depended on Box drive for several years.
Now, having upgraded hardware, we will need to convert over to another solution.
Anonymous commented
As an academic researcher with 10+ years of BOX use, I sure look forward to continuing to leverage it on my new ARM machines.
I sure am hopeful this rolls out soon.
I, like others, have emailed to request access to the Beta. I would imagine this should be a fairly straight-forward beta.
Michael Steinhofer commented
How has this not been addressed yet?
Anonymous commented
It is not an idea anymore since thousand's of users beg for support of WIN ARM processor in BOX DRIVE
Anonymous commented
Well, I've emailed. I hope to get a response. I've been using Box since it was released in one capacity or another. Without ARM support on Windows my company will need to look elsewhere. I'm honestly dumbfounded that Box hasn't already released it. There are so many threads in these communities about it.
Anonymous commented
I sent several emails to to get the beta version, I provided the requested information, but since mid-December, no answer anymore... not really professional...
Not sure what to expect to be honest. So will probably move to the competition. -
Anonymous commented
Need windows ARM support... update please!
Anonymous commented
Needs to be supported for copilot PCs.
Anonymous commented
Box has been supported on ARM-based Apple Macs since 2020, the first year Apple shipped ARM-based Macs.
Microsoft shipped their first ARM-based version of Windows in 2012.
Anonymous commented
It should work with all processors!
Anonymous commented
Been with Box for more than 10 years now, and I hate to say it like this, but there is only one real solution here: unchain yourself from Box. ARM processors have been around long enough, and like one commenter said, are becoming for too popular to be ignored by a company of Box's size and pedigree. If "way behind the cutting edge" Broadcom can eventually get their devs to create a ARM-supported VMware Fusion, Box can as well.
This is America, and the only thing that makes these corporations move is market share. Start migrating away from Box and see how quickly they get an ARM-supported version released. I only use the free version (in my personal life), but professionally, I could not in a million years imagine paying a corporation thousands (if not millions) of dollars, just to *beg* them to support commonplace hardware. Thus, at work, we migrated away from Box to a competitor. Do the same, and see how quickly a solution rolls out after the stockholders go crazy. -
Anonymous commented
Box Drive does not work with my new MS Surface Pro 11 with the ARM Snapdragon processor. Please develop a version of Box Drive that will work with this processor and Windows. More new computers will have it and it is a big problem for me not to be able to easily access my Box files.
Anonymous commented
our surface laptops is basically useless without box drive. if this is the case we might go back to Nasuni
tavenell2000 commented
You guys need to resolve this now or provide an ETA. We are already looking at alternatives.
Donald Elam commented
Just setting up a new Surface Pro ARM device. Like many others, surprised and disappointed I can't install Box Drive. Hope Box creates an ARM Box Drive soon.
Anonymous commented
Purchased a new Surface Pro over the summer and let me tell you, I was so disappointed to find out that I couldn't use Box Drive on it! I hope this issue get resolved very soon!
Anonymous commented
Does Box Drive work with Intel Core Ultra Series 2 - New processors?
Anonymous commented
hello box people - please look into this. Team is planning to transition into Surface pro that means we may to explore box alternatives if arm support isnt available in few months.