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381 results found

  1. Relay Folder Workflow - add naming options

    Please add an option to use the name of the "manually" created main folder(that starts the relay workflow) as a prefix/suffix for the subfolders created automatically by relay.

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  2. Allow ownership of Relay workflow to groups

    A customer has high turnover of admins for Relay workflows and requested an option where instead of transferring Relay to a new user or a service account that it be owned by a group for less overheard when an admin or owner of the Relay workflow leaves the company.

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  3. Ability to duplicate flows within a Relay

    The ability to duplicate or copy flows within a single Relay. Allows users to easily create multiple flows with minor differences between them within a single Relay workflow.

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  4. Remove the user account assigned to Task from Relay Workflow Template when publishing it

    When we create the workflow template to publish it company-wide from the existing workflow, the user account assigned to the task defined in the workflow are maintained in the template.

    In the current specification of Box Relay, the workflow invites the task assignee if he/she doesn't have access to the contents related to the task.

    Template is intended to be used by company-wide Box user, so if the task assignee is remained in the template and if the template user doesn't remove it when creating workflow from template, this original task assignee will be invited and given access.

    This leads…

    2 votes
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  5. Notifications from Box Relay aren't very useful without linking back to the file or folder

    Relay is a great tool - but the Notifications aren't very useful. There is no way to link to the actual file or folder that is involved, so the user gets a very nebulous notification that is basically meaningless. Instead of being helpful, it could actually cause confusion for the user, if there are multiple activities happening at the same time.

    Please update this functionality! Thanks!

    29 votes
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  6. Add option to cancel workflow

    Currently there is only delete option to stop the workflow.
    Workflows are stalled or stacked as in progress sometimes. We want to assign similar task manually or re-assign the same task to complete the workflow in time.
    But it will cause duplicated tasks assigned unexpectedly or file operation (move or copy etc.) is executed twice. This is very confusing.
    So we want to cancel the existing workflow before manual workaround.

    12 votes
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  7. API for "CRUD" for Box Relay and Box Relay Lite

    We have created over a hundred of Relay workflows and have currently faced a difficulty in adjusting all rules when our orgnization is changed. We would like to have a set of APIs for Relay for creation, reference, update and delete operations (so called CRUD).

    Also we would like to have an way to update folder ID(s) on existing workflows. It would help so much especially when annual org change happens.

    19 votes
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  8. Tasks in relay are owned by Relay owner rather than workflow initiator

    Currently tasks have owner and assignee. The owner is always relay owner, who gets notifications when there are any changes to the task which may not be ideal.

    Allow for an option to have the task owner be the workflow initiator instead.

    79 votes
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    Hello all,

    Thanks for requesting this feature. The product team reviewed this request and added to our backlog for consideration. We look to revisit this next year and once we start working on this, we will update the status. 



  9. Template for publishing to specific groups in Box Relay

    The only templates in Relay are company templates and My Templates.
    Our company has templates that we want to publish for each group, so we would like you to provide the ability to publish templates to groups.
    (In Japanese)

    10 votes
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  10. Workflow approval tasks: More than one must approve and less than all may approve a workflow approval task.

    Workflow approval tasks: More than one must approve and less than all may approve a workflow approval task.

    Today, if I want to invite 3 people to approve a task, but I only need 2/3 to approve it, then this is not an option. Similarly, if I want to invite 10 people to approve a task, but I only need 6/10 to approve it, then this is not an option.

    I only have the option for one person to approve it or for everybody to approve it.

    4 votes
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  11. Using Box Relay on Mobile

    Box Relay's [manually initiated] workflow does not currently support mobile.
    We would like Box Relay to be able to use mobile even more effectively.

    (In Japanese)
    Box Relayの [手動で開始] ワークフローは、現在モバイルに対応していません。
    モバイルを更に効果的に活用するためにBox Relayを利用できるようにしてほしい。

    9 votes
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  12. Allow Relay workflow steps to be reordered

    Allow edits to re-order Relay steps after workflow is live.

    For example, if there is a multi-step (5 person) approval needed on a document, and the team/individual who is currently set up to approve a document first now needs to be moved down to 2nd approver, it would be helpful to be able to reorder the steps without having to rebuild the workflow.


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  13. Scheduled relay task

    Add a Time field with time zone to send a notification in Box Relay. Currently scheduled events can only be set at the date level.

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  14. Notifications sent on a specific date through Relay

    We have files that need to be moved/copied on a specific date. It would be helpful if it were possible to use relay or comment to send a notification that a file needs to be moved or copied when the date is reached.

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  15. Send Relay notification to internal distribution list

    In relay, we want to send a notification to a distribution list (internal), but right now you can only send to managed users or external users that have been previously invited to a folder. We have a use case where we want to trigger a notification to an entire group, they have access to the folder, but we don’t want to rely on individual notifications for this, we want them to get a forced notification. They are in a group, but groups in box aren’t mail enabled.

    So either the ability to send to a distribution list… or honestly, what…

    2 votes
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  16. File request - Block upload of domains not on enterprise allowlisted domains

    For File Request where Enterprise requires user to login prior to submission, would like an additional security check for Enterprises that only allow for external collaboration from allowed domains as listed in the Enterprise console. If the domain is on the list then allow for file request upload, if domain is not on the allowlisted domains, block upload.

    25 votes
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  17. UI alert on invite message when character limit is exceeded

    It is VERY annoying to write a nice detailed note to the person you are inviting and then have it just disappear bc the character limit has been exceeded. Box should either not allow you to exceed the character limit, or at least have it refuse to send the invite but not completely delete everything you have just written!!!

    4 votes
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  18. Be able to specify a document or a shared link in “Send Notification” outcome

    It would be convenient if the “Send Notification” outcome had an option to specify a document or a shared link in the notification body.

    Right now it is only possible to input plain text.

    23 votes
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  19. Make Workflows Shareable Among Users (Box Relay and Box Relay Lite)

    In Box Relay, we can check the progress of workflows in the [Tracking] function.
    Currently, only the owner of the workflow, and Admins who are granted to access to workflows can see this [Tracking].

    However, the progress of workflows within the enterprise should be visible to other users as well.
    (e.g. Users who have tasks assigned in the workflow, or Co-Owners of the folder where the workflow is triggered.)

    It would be useful if the owners could share their workflows to other users.

    38 votes
    on roadmap  ·  1 comment  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  20. Box Relay support for "move folders to different owners"

    We are aware that Box has a recommended maximum number of items owned per owner (1 million items), and it is recommended to divide it into multiple owners if the number exceeds the limit.

    Based on the above, our company, which owns more than 100 items, operates by dividing the data into multiple owners.

    According to Box's recommendations, it's easy to assume that when you use Box, an action occurs that moves the owner to a different folder.
    We strongly hope that this behavior will be supported even when using BoxRelay, because it would significantly reduce the convenience of BoxRelay…

    1 vote
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