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209 results found

  1. internal collaboration

    Add a "Internal Collaboration Restriction" option for Box shield access policy. My company uses file classifications that are intended to inform users so that they know to restrict sharing of files to only those who need to know. It would be great to use the justification feature that already exists in the External collaboration restriction but within our domain.

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    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  2. Block file request via classification / access policy

    Currently there is no security control for access policies that allows to block file requests.
    We created a classification "external" with the security control "External Collaboration Restriction". However it is still possible that externals upload files to these folders. To us this is also a way of external collaboration. And this also creates the risk of mixing internal and external files in folders that are classified as internal.

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  3. Box Shield Delete Restriction Security Control

    Adding an additional Shield security control to restrict the ability of Editors to send content to Trash would be a great way to fill the gap between Viewer Uploader and Editor permissions. One of the primary use cases for Viewer Uploader is the ability to collaborate on content without being able to delete that content but in its current state, Viewer Uploaders are also restricted from other important collaborative features like inviting collaborators.

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  4. Wish to improve the custom terms in the classification settings to include the string custom term + string in the search.

    The following rules apply to custom terms in the classification settings:

    Also, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type (letters or digits) from the adjacent characters within the word. For example:

    if the policy looks for "Acme-Internal", the scan will match on "Acme Internal", "acme-internal", "Acme - Internal", "Acme (INTERNAL)", "Acme: Internal", "728Acme-Internal", "Acme - Internal728", "Acme-Internal-728", and so on, but not "Acme-Internalization", or "Acem-Internal".
    if the policy looks for "AcmeInternal", the scan will match on "acmeinternal", "AcmeINTERNAL", "AcmeInternal4u", and so on, but not "Acme Internal", "Acme_Internal", "AcmenInternalization", "Acme"

    Japanese is a language in…

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  5. Create an audit only mode for classification policies

    Auto-classification policies can receive an audit only mode similar to Shield Access Policies. Essentially an auto-classification policy in audit only mode will return a list of files that would have triggered an auto-classification upon upload or interaction. Shield administrators can then review the list of files that would have been classified and review for accuracy.

    Decreases risk of misclassifying content due to policy misconfigurations.

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  6. Shield Blocked Email Addresses (Not only Domains)

    As of right now it is not possible to block a specific user with the external collaboration access policy restriction. This is only applicable for blocking domains. This request is to be able to add a specific user to the blocked list by email address.

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    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  7. Encrypt shield downloads

    Encrypted downloads of files flagged as malicious so analysts can safely move files to a sandbox for further analysis.

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    1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  8. Classification labels are also applied to partial matches for words set in "Custom Term"

    Classification labels are also applied to partial matches for words set in "Custom Term"

     Classification labels are assigned only when an exact match is registered in the file for the file condition "custom term" in the Management Console > Classification > Classification Policy.
     If you want to assign a classification label to a partially matched term, you need to register all the terms in the "custom term".
     To save time and effort in registering, please improve the system so that classification labels are assigned even when partially matching words are found in the file.


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  9. Control Outbound Collaboration in Box Shield

    Box shield collaboration policies only seem to apply to inbound collaboration (i.e. sharing from one's own tenant to an external account). We need the ability to have fine-grained controls on what invites a managed user can accept from external tenants.

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  10. Add file extensions of .mus and .sib to automated classification in Box Sheild

    Add the file extensions .mus and .sib for music notation software to automated classification functions to assist with the protection of I.P.

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    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  11. Permanently mark a file as not malicious

    We had a user (with Box Drive) who had a file marked as malicious. She apparently made a change to a local copy and added it back to her folder, causing it to be marked as malicious a second time. In fairness, the hash is different, since the file changed. When I looked at the first event, I ran the file through VT, and the results came back as all clean, so I marked it as not malicious. The user was still not able to access the file. I had to go back into Shield, find the second instance, scan…

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  12. Ability to customize Box Shield Malware scan messages

    Ability to customize the email alerts that are sent for Box Shield Malware scan when detected. Would like the ability to customize the email alerts that are sent to end users when malware is detected on content uploaded.

    Use Case: Customized messaging allows the customer to provide instructions or further details on what users need to do next when they receive the alert. Customer wants to notify end users on the internal process to ensure that the proper steps are taken.

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    2 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  13. Enable "Mark file as safe" in API

    Provide an API endpoint to release a quarantine file ("Mark file as safe" in GUI) within box shield.

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  14. Box Shield Dashboard "Next" and "Back" button in Alert ID page

    When looking at the specific Alert ID page, I would like to have a "Next" and "Back" page so that I can go to the next Alert ID page. This is because when I get the alert ID result through the filtering and I go back to the Shield Dashboard, the filtering is reset so I need to set the filtering again to see the other Alert ID I wanted to see.

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    1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  15. Ability to update/add definition of Virus/Malware

    Ability to submit a malicious file so it can be added to the definition for Virus Scan feature.

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  16. group admin to receive Shield alert and see shield dashboard

    I would like to have group admin to be able to receive the Shield alert and also be able to see the Shield dashboard.
    This is because currently the security team is not a co-admin but just a group admin and they would like to see alert from Shield

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  17. Ability to have an Access Rule that limits an anonymously shared link to an IP address range.

    We have documents stored in Box that we have used the anonymous shared link option. The reason we need this link is to manage the number of Box licenses. We have a large number for folks that need to view or download these documents and do not need to update or edit them. So a license does not make sense for them. We do what to limit access to these links to the internal folks only. We have explored setup of Access Rule to limit, being anonymous link, the rule does not apply. We would like to add the ability…

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  18. Shield Dashboard custom date filter

    In the Shield Dashboard, currently the date filter only have past 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 60days and 90days.
    I would like a custom date filter because there are times where I need to search a content 3 days ago but if I set the filter at 7 days, there is too much content to search the specific alert.

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  19. Shield Classifications Available for Certain Folders Only

    Currently, if you create a classification label it will be available to apply to any folder or file. The ask is for the option to make the classification label available to apply in only certain folders.

    An example of a use case is for an ITAR classification label - users should only apply this label to content in a contained ITAR folder. While in other folders they should not see the option to apply this label in the dropdown.

    Auto classification policies currently has a similar feature, 'Folder Criteria'. For the classification labels, it would be great to have a…

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  20. Option to Display Warning Message to Users in Access Policy Monitoring Mode

    It would be great to allow admins the option to display a "warning message" to users if they attempt an action that is in violation to the policy when the policy is in monitoring mode. Understanding that monitoring doesn't prevent the user from taking the action, it would still be a good tool for soft launching access policies if the option to display a message was available.

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