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418 results found

  1. Get a Link in Microsoft Teams integration

    Playing with Microsoft Teams, I discovered that for files stored in the generic/default section of Teams, you can "Get a link" to copy the hyperlink for the file to your clipboard. When I add the integrated Box storage feature, though, files there do not offer the "Get a link" option. It really needs it, otherwise convenience will steer people to NOT use Box for storage.

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  2. Could Box have integration with Adobe Bridge?

    When I add tags to files in Bridge, they do not show up on the file when I look at the image in Box. I was told by your support department to contact you so that this integration could be created.

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  3. Apply DocuSign account settings

    When using the DocuSign integration, account settings such as reminders settings or attaching the envelope completion summary (or upload onto Box) do not apply as they would if a user sends an envelope by logging into the DocuSign web app. Additionally, the interface when using the integration differs from the standard DocuSign interface.

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  4. Enhance workday integration

    WorkDay integration needs:

    1) Workday has a “supplier contract request” capability. It would be great to have the ability to add/find final supplier contract attachments between Box and WorkDay.

    2) When supplier invoices come into WorkDay, the customer would love to be able to store them in Box (separated by supplier). Within Box today, the customer has a vendor folder, and that folder has contracts in it, plus it has copies of invoices. Customer invoices that were generated by WorkDay should be more easily added/transferred to Box from WorkDay.

    3) Transfer content from WorkDay to Box when a request for content is…

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  5. Autodesk Integration

    It would be great if customer can choose Box as file storage for Autodesk instead of Autodesk Drive

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  6. Alfred SearchEngine Box Drive

    Integrate Box Drive with Alfred Searchengine making the content Marked as Offline available on Alfred.

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  7. True versioning with Office Integrations

    Our users are in Office online documents for several hours as they are working on legal documents. What this does is creates hundreds of versions of one document due to the auto-save feature and eliminates the benefits of versioning because the versions saved are not true versions.

    It makes it difficult to see what the previous changes were that the other user made. We need true versioning for forensic value for our legal documents.

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  8. Provide Box plugin for Microsoft 365 Copilot

    Copilot plug-ins have the advantage that data can be handled in real time, and there are no limit to the number of items, etc.

    In addition to the Graph Connector, the Box plug-in for Copilot integration is also required.


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  9. Integrate Box for Microsoft Teams with multiple Microsoft tenants

    The Box for Microsoft Teams integration currently requires a 1 to 1 mapping with a Microsoft tenant. We would like the ability to enable this integration across multiple tenants while maintaining a single Box EID.

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  10. Coauthoring for CAD File

    I would like to be able to do coauthoring for CAD file just the Microsoft coauthoring

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  11. Google Workspace - Add Collaborators/Check for Collaborators

    The Google Workspace add-on only allows you to create a Shared Link to share files/folders, you cannot add/remove collaborators. It would be great to have the ability to add folks as collaborators, rather than just choosing from Shared Link settings. Additionally, it would be great if when sharing the file it could be recognized that recipients on the email and/or calendar invite do not have existing permissions to the file/folder (similar to what Google does.)

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  12. Hubspot integration same as Salesforce integration

    Hubspot integration same as Salesforce integration

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  13. Increase docusign envelope size

    Through the docusign integration in Box customers are only allowed to add 25Mb of data to the envelope.

    Docusign has this size limitation only on the individual document level. It is entirely possible to add multiple documents of that size to a single envelope, thus allowing for a set of documents that is larger in size than 25 Mb.

    Box should remove this limitation from the integration and allow for multiple 25Mb uploads within a single envelope.

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  14. Native Workday integration

    Box does not have a native Workday integration today. This would be massively valuable and would lead to huge upside for Box.

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  15. ESRI + Box Integration

    Integrate Box & ESRI for GIS information.

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  16. 6 votes

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  17. Make DocuSign Required Envelope Fields show in the Box Integration

    We currently have fields that are required on every envelope for our DocuSign account (Envelope Custom Fields). These fields are not available to enter data (in our case, it is a pull down list) in the Box Integration. Therefore, envelopes created through the Box integration do not have these fields.

    We can get the fields on the envelope via applying a template that includes the fields. However, we would like to see the fields without using a template.

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  18. Netsuite v2 - admin option to turn off choice of existing vs new folder in widget

    We would prefer that folders are always created via the integration ('default') rather than always giving the option to select an existing folder as well. This could be a configuration admins can turn on/off.

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  19. Keep Netsuite record-folder associations when converting records

    Within Netsuite, users are able to take an existing Netsuite record (for example, a Tender record) and convert it into a different type of record (for example, a Project record). If integration users have already associated a Box folder to the Tender record, converting the record essentially removes the Box folder association. When they view the newly-converted Project record in Netsuite, they will be prompted to create a new folder on Box. Ideally, the converted record should be linked to the folder that was created when the record was a Tender record (or allow admins to customize this behavior).

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  20. 6 votes

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