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418 results found
22 votes
google shared drive
Allow Google Drive "Shared drives" content to be copied directly to the integrated Box extension in Gsuite. Currently, this is only available from "My Drive". The work around is to copy "Shared drives" content to "My Drive" (which in itself is awkward, because only files, and not folders, can be copied directly in the cloud), and then copy content from "My Drive" to Box.
21 votes -
21 votes
We have considered solutions to this but its not currently on our roadmap
21 votes
Microsoft API’s dont allow co-authoring and MSFT doesn’t plan to support it for Box. Please provide feedback to MSFT reps to enable co-authoring for partners such as Box
Box for Teams v2: Bunch of files will be shown when the files has shared in direct chat
When the files has shared in the direct chat, it will be uploaded in "Microsoft Teams Chat Files" folder on sender side, on the other hand, for the receiver side, files will be listed in the top directory, which leads to list bunch of files in the top directory.
It would be nice, if the new folder will be created for the each chat under "Microsoft Teams Chat Files" folder and add collaboration for the folder when the direct chat has started.
20 votes -
Bring the full Google Docs/Slides/Sheets functionality to Box
Bring the Box for Google Docs & Sheets up to date with the native Google Docs/Sheets/Slides, including implementing the eg locking cells, Macros, add-ons etc so customers can really stay on Box and not have to go through other apps/UIs.
20 votes -
Folder Level Setting to Enable Office Online
It would be outstanding if Box could enable some intelligence around editing office documents, and/or have a switch you could set to only allow designated files to be editable via Office Online. That way no one could accidentally step on changes to a file that someone else made, or cause a conflict which has to be manually resolved. This would be a real big win. And when I say designated files, I mean in a folder not across Box for all of us certain file type.
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19 votes
Support Google App script
The gsuite integration does not support executing Google app scripts.
I would like to be able to launch and execute app scripts with gsuite files saved in box.18 votesThis is not available yet on the Google side, not planned for now. Will update if anything changes
Save Microsoft Teams Recordings to Box
When recording a call/meeting in Microsoft Teams, it defaults to using OneDrive as it's default storage. Currently the process of saving a recording is a manual process of downloading the recording, and uploading to Box. I'd like an option to default recording data to Box instead.
17 votes -
15 votes
This is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.
We are happy to reconsider with additional feedback.
Increase iWork integration 1GB limit
The limitation of the iWork integration supporting files up to 1 GB in size is a blocker for customers working on larger files. Increasing this limit would be very helpful to keep collaboration in Box.
14 votes -
Guidewire Integration
We need integration with Guidewire. Our content is usually in ECM systems like OpenText or FileNet.
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13 votes
We don’t plan to support this in the near future as the variances to support such an integration is very high on account of customized needs from enterprises
13 votes
This has to be enabled by Microsoft. We constantly bring this up with them , but you should also reinforce with your reps and add this request to
Request for improvement of the UI for granting permissions displayed on the content card in Box for Teams
If you try to grant permission before sending a message, you will see the error message "Return to the main window to perform this action"
We are aware that this behavior is documented in a support article.
However, the permission prompts on the content cards are confusing because they seem to require immediate action to grant permissions.
We would like to see the UI improved so that it is clear that permissions can only be granted after the message has been sent.suggestion1:Display a message that lets users know that they cannot grant permission until after they send a message.…
12 votes -
Request for improvement to the number of users without access displayed on the content card in Box for Teams
If the user has only been invited as a group, they will be counted and shown as "without access" even though they have access permissions because they are not a direct collaborator.
We are aware that this behavior is documented in a support article.
However, the display differs from the actual situation and may induce incorrect responses, as described below.
Therefore, we would like to request a fix so that it shows the accurate number of users without access, whether they are direct collaborators or group collaborators.ex)
1.Even though the target user has access rights as a group, there…12 votes -
Edit files shared on Microsoft Teams chats without having to preview them first
Currently, when a file is shared on a Microsoft Teams chat, there is a sharing card with two buttons: Preview and Edit.
When the recipient of the shared link clicks on Edit first, an error is shown saying "Office Online failed to load", which apparently is caused by the lack of edit permissions to the file. In other words, clicking the Edit button doesn't add the necessary permissions.
On the other hand, clicking on the Preview button works fine and file is displayed as expected. After previewing, clicking on Edit also works because apparently the recipient of the shared link…12 votes -
Box for Microsoft Teams integration with one Microsoft tenant ID and multiple Box EIDs.
Box for Office Online integration allows multiple Box EIDs to use the same Microsoft tenant ID.
We request improvements so that Box for Microsoft Teams integration can be used in the same way.現在、Box for Office Online連携では、複数のBox EIDが同じMicrosoftテナントIDを使用することができています。
Box for Microsoft Teams 連携でも同じように利用できるよう改善をお願いします。12 votes -
Enhanced Box notifications in Microsoft Teams
Enhanced Box notifications in Microsoft Teams
A new feature has been released for receiving Box notifications in Microsoft Teams, but it is limited to a few notifications such as Mentioned Comments.
It would be very useful to extend this feature to receive notifications in Microsoft Teams when uploads or downloads are made in folders you are collaborating on, or when tasks are assigned in Box Relay.
12 votes
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