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381 results found
Add new options for "file event" when creating a relay workflow
Please add the option "New version or Updated" when creating a workflow for a "file event". The new upload option doesn't work if we're simply making an update/edit to an existing document.
5 votes -
Use Box Relay to remove files from a folder using a wildcard like "*.PNG"
When emailing file attachments into a Box folder, Box also includes undesirable files such as logos, signature images, etc. The logo and related files are not consistently named so you cannot select a specific file to delete. Could you modify Box Relay so that users could delete these files in a named folder using the wildcard function i.e. .PNG?
So it would be Action=A File Action, Delete. Then the user would identify the folder where to delete and select a new option named "delete by file name". There the user would enter ".PNG" or something similar.1 vote -
Ability to set expiration for file upload actions
I'd like to do 'Set expiration when a file uploaded in a folder' but it seems not possible now. It would be good to 'set expiration' in File Action outcome
2 votes -
Create a subflow for rejected files in Box Relay
In Box Relay, when an approval task occurs and the file is rejected, there should be an option to create a subflow for the rejection. Right now, we can only set-up a task or do nothing.
We use metadata to categorize our files and trigger other relays. Right now, both unprocessed files and rejected files have no tag, because the rejected task workflow does not allow more actions to be taken on the file.
We would like to be able to create a general task for our users, tag the file, and move the rejected file to a separate folder,…
3 votes -
Ability to Select and Enable/Disable Multiple Links At Once
Being able to multi-select Files/Folders and adjust all their Link Sharing Properties rather than one at a time.
1 vote -
Custom Box Triggers and Outcomes
Expose Box API in Box relay to allow developers to write custom triggers and outcomes
1 vote -
Prompt for Metadata in Workflow
It would be good to allow users to be prompted for the metadata values when the workflow triggers, instead of requiring the user to prefill them in the workflow template. A simple pop-up box with the field name and value input would suffice. Much like the existing prompt in the workflow, but automatically displayed based on the trigger.
1 vote -
Error notification about Relay Workflow
Currently there is no way to know whether the relay workflow has failed or not.
So when there is an error in a workflow, I would like to have admins and or the workflow owners to receive a notification to inform about the error.82 votesHello all,
Thanks for requesting this feature. The product team reviewed this request and added to our backlog for consideration. We look to revisit this next year and once we start working on this, we will update the status.
Box Relay: Allow File Requests to be "returned" and resubmitted
It would be great if Box Relay had a feature for workflows triggered by a File Request to be "returned" for edits. The Workflow Starter could revise and resubmit their files without seeing other applicants submissions within the same submission folder or resubmit to the same file request link and overwrite their previous version.
Right now they have to resubmit and their original version is retained. The resubmission would overwrite the old version so there aren't two or more separate versions within a given folder. It is confusing for committees who go through many rounds of revision to have multiple…
2 votes -
Ability to add reminder notification function for folders and files
I want you to apply the remind notification function for folders and files
Currently Box Relay cannot send reminders for folders and files.
I want you to apply the function to send notifications with a custom date and interval for each folder and file.
With this function, it is possible to prevent oversight of work that has a deadline, and it is possible to carry out work efficiently.フォルダやファイルに対してのリマインド通知機能を適用して欲しい
この機能により期日のある作業の見落としを防ぐことが出来て、効率的に業務をおこなうことが可能となります。7 votes -
Enable option for Box Relay to trigger a contract for e-signature after approval
Enable option for Box Relay to trigger a contract for e-signature AFTER approval.
E.g. after Legal redlines and approves a contract, then they have the option to: (1) whoever approved the task then signs the contract as part of the same workflow; (2) submit for esignature to whoever triggered the workflow; (3) customize who the contract is redirected to for esignature (e.g. to
1 vote -
Enable ability to delete Metadata (all or only a specific piece of Metadata) in Box Relay
Enable ability to delete Metadata (all or only a specific piece of Metadata) in Box Relay
2 votes -
Enable ability to customize the notification that is triggered during a Box Relay workflow
Enable ability to customize the notification that is triggered during a Box Relay workflow.
E.g. if an approval task is approved, I want to notify whoever submitted the content for approval AND potentially other relevant parties that their submission was approved, but I also want to potentially customize the notification (e.g. it was approved for x, y, and z reasons).
E.g. if an approval task is denied, I want to notify whoever submitted the content for approval AND potentially other relevant parties that their submission was denied, but I also want to potentially customize the notification (e.g. it was denied…
2 votes -
Relay Folder Workflow - add naming options
Please add an option to use the name of the "manually" created main folder(that starts the relay workflow) as a prefix/suffix for the subfolders created automatically by relay.
1 vote -
Allow service accounts to initiate Relay workflows via the Box API
Allow service accounts to own and initiate Relay workflows via requests to the Box API
17 votes -
Modifying Relay AllowList that includes deleted users
If a user previously set in the Relay AllowList is deleted, the deleted user will remain in the list and the error "The specified login is inactive or invalid" happened when I try to save the list.
Even if I click "Save" without editing anything, same error occurs.It is not possible to export the user s of Relay AllowList, and there is no choice but to check each account one by one and deal with it, so I request improvement.
5 votes -
Relay admin should allow editing of relay flows
Users are confused when going into relay on the Admin dashboard vs. relay on the main toolbar in the user experience. Users should be able to edit relay flows when in the admin dashboard, or there should be clearer messages to users why they can't edit a relay flow in the admin. It leads users to create new workflows because they don't know where to edit the files.
8 votes -
Signature logs should also be able to be specified as a trigger condition for Box Relay
Box Relay and Box Sign integration has been released, allowing for automation on signed files.
The current specifications do not allow automated processing targeting signature logs.
In our case, we would like to move not only the signed file but also the signature log to an arbitrary folder.
Therefore, we request that the signature log can also be specified as a trigger condition.
English version:Box Relay + Box Sign integration to automate actions based on document status<署名ログもBox Relayのトリガー条件として指定できるようにしてほしい>
Box RelayとBox Signの連携がリリースされ、署名されたファイルに対する自動化を行うことができるようになりましたが、
日本語版:Box RelayとBox Signの連携によるドキュメントのステータスに基づいたアクションの自動化4 votes -
Notifications sent on a specific date through Relay
We have files that need to be moved/copied on a specific date. It would be helpful if it were possible to use relay or comment to send a notification that a file needs to be moved or copied when the date is reached.
1 vote -
Request to add a function that can delete the classification in Box Relay
<Request to add a function that can delete the classification in Box Relay>
We can change the Box shield classification in Box Relay, but we cannot delete the classification.
The classification maintains the set classification even if we move or copy it, but in some cases we may want to change to the destination classification or delete the classification.
Therefore, I would like you to add a function that can delete the classification.<Box Relayで分類を削除できる機能を追加して欲しい>
現在、Box RelayでBox shieldの分類を変更することはできますが、分類を削除することは出来ません。
そこで、分類を削除できる機能を追加して欲しい。10 votes
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