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  1. Display warning message on accidental uploads to specific folders

    If a file is accidentally uploaded to a specific folder (viewer privileges granted) using BoxDrive, I would like the upload process to be stopped or a warning message to be displayed. Currently, files are displayed as if they were uploaded to the computer (locally) as a cache.

    BoxDriveを利用して特定のフォルダ(ビューアー権限付与)へファイルを誤ってアップロード した場合にアップロード処理を停止or警告メッセージを表示して欲しい。 現状、パソコン(ローカル)上へファイルがキャッシュとしてアップロードされたように表示されてしまう。

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  2. Allow users to decide which context menu entires (right click menu) they want to see

    I've never once wanted to 'Create a Box Note' or 'Search in this folder' yet they will take up two context menu spaces unless I can figure out some way to turn them off in the registry. Allow users to select what context menus pop up please! Otherwise it's a big waste of space.

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  3. Thumbnail & Quick View Support on Mac OS 12.4

    I'm not sure why this isn't a feature, but it definitely should be! My team views a lot of art files and the lack of thumbnail and quick view support is a huge wrench in our workflow.

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  4. Ability to customize/configure the location of the shortcut to Box Drive folder on Windows.

    We would like to have the ability to customize the location of the shortcut to Box Drive folder on Windows or to disable its creation.
    Right now, the creation of the shortcut cannot be disabled or customized (just as the cache location cannot be customised), and it's always created under c:\users\username\desktop. This is not ideal for users who are not allowed access to userprofile folder.

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  5. 'Carrier Signal Flag'-like functionality on folder icons

    When either a new file is uploaded or an existing file is edited in a folder, a small red flag pops up on the folder icon and stay up for a certain period of time to indicate the update.
    It would save time and labour to routinely open the folder and sort files by 'Updated' timestamps in descending order every few hours to check for file updates which only happen once in a couple of days, for instance.

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  6. Locked audio files (mp3's) remain playable!!

    Locked audio files (mp3's) remain playable!! I need to lock them so they are un playable.

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  7. Text file content search

    As of August 2023 , I can't search for text file contents in Box Drive Window integration , nor at . I'd like to save everything I work on in Box Drive , but I need to be able to search it to find previous work

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  8. Upload, copy and paste .DES files.

    I can't paste in my Box Drive folder .des files that come from a software I use. I can upload them manually to the cloud in the web app, but those files won't sync either. This never happened with other cloud service software and I can't work without those files and the program won't run.
    Please accept .des files so I can use Box for my work.

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  9. Can't filter search files marked for offline use to unmark quickly and regain HD space.

    NEED ASAP: See file list of marked for "offline use" to quickly/easily unmark to regain HD space. I regularly run low on space locally. Users should have a way for Box to ID files based on cache of local machine—to "unmark all" quickly, AS WELL AS selectively with a list of files marked offline to keep any files "offline available" as needed. A MUST-HAVE feature for managing files, since the whole point of box is file storage and accessibility.

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  10. Remove an invited collaborator's access on a per folder level

    There are use cases where the content owners/co-owners would like the ability to remove an (external) collaborator's access to a folder on a specific date. Understanding that this can be configured at a global level (by setting timeframe), it would be helpful to have this on a per folder level as well.

    This would be beneficial as various departments/users share data of varying sensitivity and in various use cases (such as sharing with an external contractor whose contract is for X months).

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  11. Request for the ability to not display specific folders in BoxDrive

    BoxDrive is very convenient because it can be used as an explorer, but due to user operational error
    folders or files may be moved to unintended folders.
    Folders to be collaborated outside the company can lead to information leakage,
    We request for improve that specific folders can only be operated and viewed with the Box Web Browser.

    指定したフォルダはBOX Webブラウザのみでしか操作・閲覧ができないようにしたい

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  12. Disabling shared links after the link is viewed

    Currently there is the option have the shared link expire on a specific date. It would be beneficial to also have a shared link be disabled as soon as it is viewed. Having a link that's "one-time use only" would be ideal in various use cases like sharing sensitive information.

    Having this also be the case for invited external parties would be helpful.

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  13. Manage Box Drive folders that sync with the - I have to uninstall Box Drive from all of my devices

    Because I cannot select which folders to sync from, I cannot use Box Drive which makes going back to One Drive extremely appealing.

    This seems like such basic functionality and it's very disappointing that Box didn't provide it - and actually took it away when moving from Box Sync.

    My idea is for Box Drive to provide the same basic functionality that Box Sync had and One Drive and Google Drive and Dropbox have.

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  14. box folder searchable on windows

    Please allow MS Windows indexing Box folder so that we can search document directly from Windows explorer or cortana.

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  15. Irrelevant Box drive storage pop-up for corporate users

    I'm on a corporate plan with my company. Why does Box keep showing this pop-up message everyday suggesting me to buy more storage?
    Don't you know I have no control over my quota or account type?

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  16. About drawing function

    I would like to be able to change the thickness of the drawing pen.
    I know that there are different types of pens. However, I would like to see more variations in the thickness of the pen, like in Microsoft's OneNote.

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  17. Make it possible to have content default to available offline

    When I create a file using my OneDrive that file is by default always available to me one the device where it was created. Having a similar option would be very helpful in Box especially when I am creating multiple folders worth of material and would like to be able to work on them while in transit or other locations without wifi. When I reconnect to the internet in One Drive it automatically updates the cloud version of the document with edits I made while offline. The current process of needing to do this manually for new folders/folder trees means…

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  18. Box Drive client should fall back to attempt direct connection if proxy fails

    In short, if Box Drive sees a proxy and attempts to connect via the proxy but that fails, it should fall back and attempt a direct connection before failing completely.

    I experienced this on Windows. Not sure if it would apply to other OSes or not.

    The specific details...

    I'm in a Corporate environment with a laptop. When our laptops are on the corporate network, we do go through a proxy. But when off of the corporate network, like working at home, it doesn't use the proxy. We use an auto-config proxy .pac file to control the proxy on and…

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  19. It would be great if I could mark a folder to become a zip file. And the work of creating said zip file happens on your end.

    It would be great if I could mark a folder to become a zip file. And the work of creating said zip file happens on your end. This is with the thought that very large folders that have tens of thousands of items are easier to download, or share.

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  20. Requesting notification of email address of who downloads song files.

    We send out email blasts to our subscribers and include links to music we license. We receive a notification that someone downloads the song files. But it does not say who? Is there a way to retrieve the email address of the person that downloads files from our box account?

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