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140 results found

  1. Contextual Search

    The ability to search contextually for a topic and have related results be populated similar to an internet search engine e.g. you search for "Fruit" and search results include "apples, oranges, bananas etc."

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  2. Search Engine should run on the displayed dates rather than the API dates

    Box's search queries do not go off of the same date displayed to end users in the WebApp. The Modified Date seen in the WebApp is different than the API field “modified_at” that the search tool goes off of. From a user’s viewpoint, the date is the date, so using two separate date fields for the same product is confusing to end users. This is a request to ensure both of these fields align.

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  3. 4 votes

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  4. searching by "shared with me"

    It would be nice to sort my files by those files that "shared with me" by other people. Sometimes I don't know the name of the folder, but know who sent me the data. This search ability in the "sort" section above the files, or on the menu to the left of the files would save time searching for things.

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  5. Search file contents for non-standard file types (e.g. py, R)

    It would be a wonderful if Box could be adjusted to index and search the file contents for files beyond Microsoft Office and text files. For example, much of what I would like to search is in python or R scripts, so being able to index and search those files as well would be very helpful.

    (it would also be very useful to search specific metadata field such as "name" or "type", like windows explorer enables)

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  6. FIX the SEARCH to search exact terms and support advanced search parameters

    There are several major issues here, search should be powerful in order to make the tool as useful as possible. It is to the point now that we are storing so much information on Box that not having a search tool that actually works is causing us serious headache and loss of productivity.

    1. Search returns results for all forms of a word, how is it helpful to be absolutely unable to narrow a search. For example, if I search for "Government" (yes, even when using quotes) I get results including government, governance, govern, etc. Thanks Box, you have now included…

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  7. Better searchability on assets

    inside of a folder with hundreds of assets, it would be amazing to have the letters a-z on the left side so you can click on the letter that corresponds with the first letter in an assets title and go directly to those assets. For example, if you click on 'G'. all assets that start with the letter 'G' come up.
    Currently you have to scroll. sometimes for a while to get to the proper file. When you have hundreds of assets within 1 folder it's laborious to get to the one you want!

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  8. Keep certain folder's contents from showing up in search results

    I have several folders w/ very common words and randomly generated filenames, that keep popping up when i am using the search function in box.
    It would be nice, to have the option to shield a few folders from appearing in search results.

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  9. Email notifications based on saved search

    Provide the ability for a user to save an arbitrary search query (including the use of Metadata templates if applicable) and be notified of new content that arrives in a Box folder when it matches that saved search.

    This would immensely help our Box users be notified in real-time as we upload content that they are interested in. Otherwise, they have to periodically search the entire folder at some period of the day to find this new content of interest. Using the current notification capability that triggers on all uploads would be too much "noise" to the user; they need…

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  10. Ability to save search filter conditions

    I would appreciate if the previous settings for contents filters could be saved so that I can call and use it when searching items with similar criteria.
    Frequently using the same condition to search files, so I think it could improve the work efficiency to use saved filter settings.

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  11. Please make it possible to search by file ID/folder ID when searching in the Recycle Bin. ごみ箱内検索するときにファイルID/フォルダIDで検索できるようにしてほしい。

    Currently, you can only search by file/folder name, and there is a risk of restoring the wrong target if there are files with the same name.
    (In Japanese) 

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  12. Being able to search through files by the date the file was created (in the metadata)

    A feature I've wanted many times now, and would love to see implemented, is to be able to search through my files with the filter of Date Created (regarding the creation date of the file in its metadata), not just the date of when I uploaded the file.

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  13. Search content in public shares

    I would like to be able to search content in public shares the same as if the content were shared internally.

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  14. searching for users (external or managed)

    Suggestions for improvements : search field for users (external or managed) should look for characters. For instance , if you type a domain name or name, you should be able to filter the (external or managed) users list according to the characters entered into the search field and look into both the name and email info if the characters can be found. We don't always know the exact email or name...

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  15. Please implement the search filter of "User who deleted" in the Trash.

    Please implement the search filter of "User who deleted" in the Trash.
    (This is not same as the filter of "Items I owned" or "Items I deleted".)
    Currently we can use owner filtering when searching for content in the Trash.
    For further convenience, we need the feature to use filtering even for users who have deleted content.

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  16. Search by Created Date and Modified Date

    When uploading a file by FTP, the Created Date and Modified Date on Details tab shows timestamp from the local PC.
    Box's search function only allows to search by Updated Date that is not the date from Modified Date from Details tab of a file, so please add the finction to search by Created Date and Modified Date for FTP uploaders.

    Possibly, 120 users could be affected by this function change because most of important files are in their local PCs, and it would be really helpful if they could search them by the dates that on their local PCs.

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  17. Disable full-text search for a subset of Box content

    Suggest adding the ability to disable full-text search for only a subset of Box content versus just enterprise-wide.

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  18. Access to file link from search results

    When a search is executed in the browser, it is not possible to open a file in the search on another tab. The only option available seemingly is to open on the same tab. It is handy to manage the exploration through the search list to be able to either open a particular file or folder in the search list in a new tab, or copy the file link without having to create a share link to open file in a new tab.

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  19. Support for CorelDraw (*.cdr) files as a recognized "image" or "drawing" for search filters

    Support for CorelDraw (*.cdr) files as a recognized "image" or "drawing" for search filters. It is most similar to Adobe Illistrator, so perhaps it should be in the same category as *.ai files.

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  20. Include Comments in the Search Index

    Please add Comments to the Search Index. This will make comments more useful and widen the scope of applicable use cases.

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