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140 results found

  1. Following file extensions should be classified as "Drawings" in web search: DEM & DWG

    DWG (Drawing File) - Very high priority given integration with AutoCAD
    DEM (Digital Elevation Model)

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  2. Stop auto text

    Box needs to stop auto text when attempting to type in the search bar. Proper nouns and acronyms are pretty standard in business and constantly changing what we type into the search bar is enraging and a huge waste of time.

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  3. Provide a way to remove duplicate files throughout a folder and all sub folders

    I have a user who copied all the content in multiple folders some how and created duplicate files everywhere in the folder structure. All the duplicate files had a (1) at the end but also had a few files with (email address) at the end as well. Not sure why the (email address) showed up at the end, over the (1).

    Never the less, I need a way as an admin or even a user to search for all duplicate files, within a folder/sub folders, and allow me to find all files with *(1) and provide me the list of…

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  4. Search issue

    1) Searching in "File and Folder names" only will display results foun in file metadata:

    2) Search with Russian words will display irrelevant results:
    2.1) box finds particular letters, not complete words
    2.2) box displays search results even there is no file with requested name

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  5. Limit a search to your Recents list

    Similar to how you can focus a search on a specific folder; it would be useful to limit a search to the items in your recents list.

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  6. 1. Search for specific file extensions. 2. Replace file extensions within box web

    1. We should be able to type in a specific file extension in the File Type.
      Ex. I'm trying to search for all .4tx files that we have, which are old 4sight Fax documents. These files are actually TIFF images, but we need to replace the extension on all of them so we can view them in our current environment, since we don't use that really old application. Box doesn't have a way to search specifically for those extensions so I have to search all file types and end up getting way more non relevant results.

    2. If we have a file…

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  7. Advanced Box search capabilities: Being able to search by Creator, Co-owner or Editor

    We believe that there are some key data elements that should be filters in the search (and are collected by Box so they should be searchable) and hope to see them in the future. The main one is the "creator" since the "owner" is the only filter that allows you to determine who created the content. Since our Box instance is configured in a way where BoxAdmin owns all of our content, BoxAdmin is also the "owner" of everything. This makes search useless when someone is looking for content that they created.

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  8. Export search results data (as CSV or Excel) and/or files

    There may be times when you just want to see a list of the hits without looking at the actual files, or download the files themselves without the details

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  9. Search pdf embedded attributes

    The ability to search for attributes (standard, advanced or custom) embedded into a PDF file.

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  10. Search API for exact match using hash

    If you have a local file and need to know if the file exists in Box, the filename search isn't reliable to find the exact match. For example, there could be many logo.jpg files. Since the sha1 of the files are known, it would be great to expose it to the search API to find the exact file match.
    This would be very useful for tools that help users migrate to Box without creating many duplicates of files.

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  11. Allow searching for email alias

    Expand /users?filter_term=blah to also search for email aliases

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  12. Provide option to do AND and OR search for multiple tags

    Currently, multiple tags return items that include any of tags in the search

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  13. Add ‘Number of Versions’ Search Filter

    Add a new “Number of Versions” filter to the Search page in Box that allows you to filter by number of versions a file has. For example, “Only show me files with the word ‘cloud’ that have less than 10 versions”.

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  14. Suffix Match on titles (a form of Wildcard Search)

    We need this feature for legal eDiscovery purposes.

    We were doing some file name search testing, and we found some odd results based on our filename searches.

    If the filename was alphaomega and we tried searching for omega the search does not pull up any results, but searching alpha does pull up the alphaomega files.

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    Thank you for the feedback. We have noted this feature request and understand the value of this feature. Unfortunately, it is not on the current roadmap.

  15. New Search Filter - 'Last Updated By'

    Currently, Box users can't search by a criteria of the user who updated some document most recently. There's a search filter for 'owner', but not 'last updated/modified by'.

    REQUEST: Add a 'last updated/modified by' filter to the quick search and full search results filter options.

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  16. Search - Allow KeySafe Customers to Manage Their Own Search Index

    Customers would like the ability to modify the Box search service to point to a customer specific index from within the Box UI since KeySafe disables 10k character capabilities.

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  17. 16 votes

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  18. 65 votes

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    beta  ·  Adminramato (Admin, Box) responded

    This feature is available for a limited set of customers. Contact your Box representative for more information.

  19. Search - Add Microsoft Visio Files (.vsd, .vsdx, etc.) to the 'Full Text Search' Index

    Box already has in-file search ('full text search') on other Office file types (Word Docs, PowerPoint files, and Excel spreadsheets), so users expect that Visio files (which are part of the Office suite) would also be indexed by Box.

    REQUEST: Include contents of Visio files (.vsd, .vsdx, etc.) in Box's search index.

    Context - here's the externally-documented list of file types supported by Box's in-file ('full text search') feature:

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    not planned  ·  dgautham responded

    Thanks for the feedback! We have and added this to our backlog. Due to low customer demand for these types, they are currently not prioritized on the roadmap.

  20. Metadata key values of type {number, date} only searchable by range (gt, lt) and not equality

    Assume I have a metadata template "Template" with a key - value of type Number. In both the web app and API, it is not possible to do an equality search:

    templateKey = template
    filters = {"value": 2}

    Instead, the search requires specifying both lower and upper bounds. If you're searching for a single value, you then have to approximate it with a gt = 2, lt = 2 combo.

    a) Most importantly, the API documentation implies that the range parameters are not required when searching by number or date.

    b) I think both the webapp UI and the API…

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