Add Classification and Metadata information to Folders and Files Report
When running the folders files report, have it list out the classification tag that is added to each file, along with any metadata information that has been added.

This suggestion has been delivered and is generally available (GA).
Mahaboob Bhasha H commented
That would be of great use.
Anonymous commented
Since some box shield tags seem geared toward PCI data, reporting on these tags seems obvious for PCI DSS compliance.
Anonymous commented
Hello, for a box containing a couple of files, could you develop an option to get an excel report regarding the files in it and their status, with:
- files names
- last updated by .
- date of last update
- version number
- approved by...
- ...
it would help following document status + make decision about cleaning data time to time -
Valerie Perez commented
It would be great if we could run a Folder & File report and get the added metadata included in the exported snapshot!!
Anonymous commented
Agree. There is currently no way to run a report that includes tags.