Break waterfall permissions
Allow for restricted permissions within a shared folder (so permissions are not inherited from the parent folder)

We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap.
Anonymous commented
Please add this. It is a painful omission and oversight in its lack.
Anonymous commented
@moderator or @Jack Hirsch - is it possible this is still not in the roadmap?
Anonymous commented
Really interested to see if Box has any roadmap
Anonymous commented
We need this so badly!! Would allow the whole company to have the same structure but only see their folders on the inside level if each folder can restrict collaboration.
Anonymous commented
I beggars belief that fine-grained folder permissions and inheritance breaking is not an implemented feature.
McClausky commented
So... when , when, when??
Anonymous commented
This is a no-brainer feature that must be added. Let's go!
Anonymous commented
This is super important for us as well. We have multiple terrabytes of data on Box, and generally it works very well for us. However, we have many situations such as "read only on the parent folder, but everyone should have edit access on the DRAFT folder" that is basically impossible to implement today, especially as we add other "projects" that have their own parent and DRAFT folders.
Anonymous commented
Has Box added this to the project plan or already implemented this change? We need the ability to disable cascading folder / waterfall permission.
Anonymous commented
We have files on some projects that are covered under an NDA that should only be accessible to some of the project team. Very messy to have to store them in a completely separate folder structure to the rest of the project files due to the forced inheritance of permissions. Pretty basic feature really.
Come on Box team, you've had 7 years to find a solution.
Anonymous commented
It's so hard to believe that this isn't possible.
Importantly, what's described in the help page ( and by the Admin below doesn't actually work. I just invited a new collaborator to Subfolder A at Editor level. After that, I invited them to the parent folder at Viewer Uploader level. Now, they have Viewer Uploader permissions in Subfolder A also. Super frustrating and broken.
Anonymous commented
This feature IMHO is required for any mature file management platform. Please add ASAP. We need to control access at a folder by folder level. In our most immediate case, we want users to have view access to a shared access folder the admins manage, but uploader or edit access to other folders as needed - so files won't be cluttering things up. I'll escalate through our corporate BOX contacts as well. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
This feature is really needed. Currently there is no option to restrict edit access to a subfolder within a project file without moving it to a different folder, which messes up with our records management policy relating to saving files in the designated project file.
Even Sharepoint offers this function and whilst I am struggling to convince management that Box is a preferable option to Sharepoint for our files, issues like this are making it difficult to win the argument. -
Anonymous commented
This feature is really needed. Currently there is no option to restrict edit access to a subfolder within a project file without moving it to a different folder, which messes up with our records management policy relating to saving files in the designated project file.
Anonymous commented
Why would this not be on the roadmap when your clients want it? Is it just not possible?
Sven commented
who actually thought forcing the users to accept, that inherenting permission levels from the folder above, is a useful thing from the first?
Anonymous commented
I was told by one or more Box salespeople that it would be possible to restrict permissions in subfolders differently from the parent folder.
I guess we'll be cancelling our Box subscription and going elsewhere.
Anonymous commented
So frustrating and illogical. Also, don't call this "waterfall" if it also goes against gravity half the time.
Anonymous commented
All of Box's arguments for not doing this make no sense - the comment from Anonymous Admin in July '22 suggests that what they call "Senario A" of having access to a house but not a bathroom makes no sense.
"(Scenario A) Notably, customers know that a user at the subfolder can't have LOWER permissions than the same user at the parent folder (e.g. if they own the folder, it would be odd for them to not also have owner access to everything inside of that folder)."
First of all - bad analogy, I do not have a right to barge into a bathroom even in my own home if the door is locked - there are valid reasons why that would NOT be OK. Also, let's extend this lousy metaphor to a grocery store - if a 20 year old adult owns the store, that does not give them legal right to then consume the alcohol.
The whole point of a hierarchal information structure being controlled by access levels makes no sense - most people organization information need to organize by content (i.e, Product Documentation->Product A, Product B, etc. I may want a product manager to be able to create document in the Product Doc folder but do NOT want them to even know that Product B exists - this is a common scenario and works in many other systems.
Anonymous commented
The absence of this feature is really annoying !
For a given BOX folder, shared within my team with Editor rights, with I can't
* add a Read-Only folder for the team (like ".../Archives/2021")
* add a personal & hidden subdirectory (like ".../myDraftWork")Creating dedicated folders outside the project directory is NOT convenient at all, as we loose the structure / logic ., please improve the situation !