Ability to see and access bookmarks in Box Drive
Bookmarks: I store a lot of bookmarks in Box. This bookmarks are not visible in the folder structure on my laptop (links seems not to be stored as files). As a consequence e.g. bookmark titles are only searchable via Box browser interface but not via Windows search functionality within explorer

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
Hello given our approach to using box for content management in construction we absolutely need this functionality to limit the creation of rogue folders in the cloud. Please let us know if you can prioritize this development.
Anonymous commented
We have a wealth of electronic assets stored in archived folders. Using bookmarks gives us the ability provide easy access to selected assets to new project teams from within their project folders. Our teams work while in transit and in areas of the world with unreliable internet activity, which means they use Box Sync and Box Drive as their primary interface to access project files. The ability to see and access Bookmarks in Box Drive would greatly improve the experience for our teams.
Anonymous commented
We use bookmarks in a top folder for "all company resources" that bookmark to department folders that those departments want to share with the entire company. Not having that available in Box drive is a bit of a pain to explain to people. Just saying go to the web version isn't always received well.
Anonymous commented
Bookmarks (or some type of web shortcut) should absolutely show up in Box Drive. Folder contents should appear identical on Web and Desktop. I have many users who work in in Drive exclusively and will never open the Web App. I have some folders that include nothing but bookmarks. When viewed on the desktop the user sees these folders as being empty.
Anonymous commented
This makes using Box Drive difficult as we end up with duplicate copies of documents rather than bookmark references. It has caused confusion as well as competing documents that should have been combined. This seems like an obvious need for Box Drive.
Anonymous commented
Easiest way to implement this would be to convert them to html metadata files. See webcuts https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webcuts/kehckhdcknjaadegmihldoedmdfmpcmk
Alternatively, if you wan't a challenge, you can save as a shortcut/alias/weblink for every different operating system like https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-as-shortcut/flehofiklehmnnolpjcamplcnmhgcbkk
The HTML route is probably better as an adapter could be made to allow writing back to box.com, as opposed to rejecting the change by renaming or some other method.
Rocks1 commented
The above suggestion references 'Box Sync' and 'Box Driv'e. Can you confirm which desktop tool this was reviewed for and if necessary I can raise a new request for Box Drive access to Weblinks. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Not being able to see bookmarks creates an inconsistency with user experience between the web and desktop tool. We have some users that heavily rely on bookmarks and do not want to use Box drive for this reason.
Brad Monroe commented
Box allows users to add Bookmarks (weblinks) within folders in the webapp, but these Bookmarks aren't exposed in Box Sync currently (though they're exposed in the mobile apps).