Thumbnail Support for Box Drive
Especially useful in a marketing/creative shared folder

This feature was delivered for Windows in Box Drive v2.25 and for macOS in Box Drive v2.40!
Anonymous commented
Please add ability to upload thumb image for folders. This is crucial for marketing and sales audience we deal with! Need for MAC and WINDOWS
Anonymous commented
Please make this possible for macOS! I store photos on Box Drive and it would be so useful to be able to see them as thumbnails! Otherwise its a pretty much useless way to store photos, unless they have specific file names but that's a time consuming prospect. Thank you!
Mike Sabatini commented
Needs to be available for MacOS. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Why is this THumbnail feature not fixed yet? This is bloody disgraceful.
Anonymous commented
As a graphic designer at an agency that uses Box for all of their clients, not being able to quickly view files is a massive pain point for my workflow. This is very much needed on MacOS. I've never had an issue like this with Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
Anonymous commented
Just as the adoption of this feature in Windows was no doubt very helpful, we really also need this feature in MacOS. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
this is a real weakness for when managing image files
Anonymous commented
I don't understand why after syncing a folder locally (mark for offline) quick look preview still doesn't work although the data exists locally.
Anonymous commented
We support multiple product design and manufacturing companies, as well as a few architecture firms, all on They all constantly ask why this isn't in the macOS client yet. Slows down their workflows significantly.
Anonymous commented
Please make this feature optional. It is worse than useless for those of us with non-visual work, and makes searching in Box Drive nearly impossible.
Anonymous commented
@Box: When is this planned to be implemented? Our Marketing team loses so much time every day because of this missing feature.
Anonymous commented
Can we please add this feature it would be very helpful!
Anonymous commented
Please keep considering it. I would like to use this feature. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Can‘t believe this is still under consideration only for three years now! It‘s very irritating to have quick look only for a part of the files my Mac accesses. :-/
Anonymous commented
For MacOS users, this idea needs to cover also the missing 'Quick Look' functionality without the need to open the file firstly in the application (e.g. MS Excel).
I was told by Box Support team, the Finder's Quick Look is part of this idea, so just wanted to stress it out here as well. -
Anonymous commented
A repeat response of the box survey i took...Killing thumbnails and support for Adobe Bridge (my 3rd party workaround) has rendered BOX DRIVE useless for my client. Im now in the process of looking for a new solution for my client‚ because they can't all sync internally...which is the only way to get file previews back. (local OS preview build).
"The opinions expressed below are my own and not those of my client organization. Unfortunately for me, when you guys killed file thumbnails it rendered box drive useless to me as a creative. I cant search for image and files without using a third party app like Adobe Bridge...then in the last update, you no longer support Bridge. Ive had to go back to using Box Sync...which of course is fine...just using up my drive space now, vs being a virtual server. I have to use box drive on my laptop of course, because i cant sync both...nor have the space to do so. Makes working remotely really difficult, because i cant search for images without going online first to see what image i need."
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I got the email today about the updates and changes to UI and Collections. I watched the video, and while those changes are great, what did it actually solve that BOX didn't already do? In my opinion, it added flexibility to navigation and a different appearance upon login, but really didn't "eliminate a limitation", It would be really great, from a customer perspective, to see BOX use the resources I am sure it took to make those UI and Collection changes, and focus that energy on true limitations that I know matter to many many users. I love BOX, and this is hands down the absolute worst part about it, and the reason why many of my staff still don't use it!
Anonymous commented
I definitely would stop cursing Box whenever I use it if I could see thumbnails.
Anonymous commented
yes please. This enhancement would benefit our office and help our mission. Please implement enhancement.