Folder level comments and tasks
Being able to comment or assign a task on an entire folder would be easier than @mentioning a user on one file and referencing 3 or 4 other ones. It would be helpful to assign a task to someone on an entire folder (and not leave that sort of information in the folder description).

We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap. We will be exploring improvements and enhancements to Tasks in the next 1-2 years and will take this into consideration when we do.
Anonymous commented
My user case:
I have an internal application that creates 3 files, which are tasked to review. This process creates a new folder in BOX and adds the zip file with its tasks. My work around was to put these into a zip file and assign the tasks to the zip.The reviewer has to provide additional supporting documentation files, so would either have to open the zip and to it or go to the parent folder, which comments are some what lost (comments on zip and supporting docs are in different section).
Having comments and tasks on the folder would allow the reviewer to add files into the folder and provide the context of the original files as well as the added supporting documentation.
Anonymous commented
Currently I had to change a process to create zip files in order to comment on the group of files. Would help make it easier for collaborating at the folder level.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to assign tasks to entire folders instead of individual files.
Anonymous commented
Agree- I would like to put the request in for the Box Task to be added at the folder level as well.
Admineumenhofer (Admin, Box) commented
At this time, we can't build folder level structures for tracking comments. If I want a track a customer's record at the folder level, I can't have a running comment stream on that customer unless I create a ghost document to hold the comments. It's the exact same reason you want cascading metadata, it's because many use cases happen at the folder, NOT file level.
Robert Landry commented
Not being able to comment on folders is simply counterintuitive.
SMLR commented
We collect a set of data on a patient and need to comment to have it reviewed by a mentor. For Example: "These are the 6 month follow up files for patient X" The mentor's task is to review ALL the files within the 6 month follow up file and give feedback to the uploader. It would be great to comment on the whole folder (the follow up as a whole) rather than small little conversations on individual files.
Anonymous commented
As an example today, I received a tender request, it has a lot of files, which I put in a tender folder, and I would like to task the folder to a person.
Strongly endorse this functionality.