Major/minor flagging or differentiation in their version history.
It is important to be able to manage milestone updates to a single document that can be referred back to, both major and minor.
Some of this has been compounded by the additional versions created by autosave when using MS Office concurrent editing.

Thanks for the suggestion. Please continue to post use cases and feedback, to help us prioritize for a future release.
Anonymous commented
This would be a useful feature for us as we have documents that can change hands and be reviewed multiple times by several different team members and external partners. It would be good to flag review and editing milestones on specific versions.
Anonymous commented
We'd like to see this as well--we recently started using Office co-authoring with AutoSave and the number of versions created on some files makes it very hard for editors to trace back to a consequential update.
Will Semons commented
Patterson-UTI has a similar use case to the original post. They want to deprecate their old process but require major/minor flagging/version history and metadata for their internal company policies and legal documentation.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
This is extremely important because today if I make a very small change (e.g. a comma vs a period), then it creates a new document version. I need to filter, distinguish, and be able to tag or configure the nomenclature between minor and major versions (e.g. completed contract, redlined contract, first draft).
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Please prioritize this! This request is coming from a Box client who potentially will grow $XXX,XXX with Box when we launch this.
"The system must have the ability to distinguish document versions as either Major (e.g. x.0) or Minor change (e.g. 0.x)."
"Users must provide a reason for changing a value when updating an approved (i.e. major version) document."
Anonymous commented
SharePoint has this feature. The idea is to flag the important versions (e.g., sent this document to boss for feedback) as opposed to random saves (e.g., I added a period at the end of a sentence and hit save). The use case is to differentiate versions of the file that need to be kept and tracked on from random saves (this version was what I sent to legal, this version is what I received back from legal, this is the version I sent out of house).
Anonymous commented
Engineers using CAD, CAM or other applications can work on one file for days or weeks, and save it hundreds of times.
When the job is done, they want to save a major version.
Later, after feedback from the client, they may work on the same file for days or weeks again, and save it hundreds of times again.
When the job is done for the second time, they want to save the second major version.The current behavior of Box, without tagging a version as major, will get rid of the first major version when the number of saves exceeds the number of allowed versions.
It would be nice to be able to look at the list of versions, click one of them, set it as major and add a comment.