Report / Customizable dashboard for a workflow
I would like to get an overall view of my workflow and which files are at which stages, including:
- How many files are in Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc.
- How many files have completed
- How many files were denied (or stopped in process)

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
It would also be nice to filter Relays based on who they are assigned to, what due dates there are (something like a kanban or gantt chart could be very useful here), what folders are involved, etc...
It is also important that there is a master view of all Relays and/or selected Relays that can be configured to be viewable by: everybody; OR select people only; OR nobody; OR everybody except select people. Similar to how permissions are structured for folders and files inside of Box where people have the ability to add collaborators, viewers, editors, etc.
Anonymous commented
When viewing the details of all in-progress workflows for a specific relay, add a column with a small number (similar to how the versioning symbol looked in the past) to communicate how many files are associated with that specific workflow.
This is particularly helpful for workflows based off of file request forms that may have multiple files associated.
Anonymous commented
Please add Box Relay logs to the reports.
To assess if the workflows not being used are accurately disabled, and to give user training according to each business characteristic by analyzing users or departments who frequently have used Box Relay, it would be helpful to be able to check workflows and each created by, created date and status (enabled/disabled) on the reports.