Add a monospaced font (aka code blocks) on Box Notes

Code Blocks available on Notes 2.0
Anonymous commented
Baffled as why this is not implemented, please put it on roadmap. I need to do weird workarounds with markdown files instead
Anonymous commented
I heard that monospaced fonts are getting popular in the computer world.
Anonymous commented
This is basic markdown equivalency support...
Anonymous commented
Please add this. come on guys, requested in 2017 and still not present in 2021?!
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely useful for developers. Failing that, provide the ability to safely embed code snippets like GitHub Gists or GitLab Snippets.
Last moderator update was Oct 2019. This is why I continually have internal discussions of why our organization should replace Box with another more flexible solution.
Anonymous commented
Please, please! I'm trying to put developer documentation into a box note to share with other peope, and not being able to put commands in monospace to indicate they're meant to be copied is obnoxious. I don't even need a full <code></code> block, just a monospace font option would be a bare minimum
Anonymous commented
I need this
Anonymous commented
Yes. Developers need this feature
Anonymous commented
Not having this is creating problems for me. I have to put a note on notes to advise people to copy/paste the text somewhere with this capability.
Anonymous commented
Any better outlook on when this will be available? This omission greatly reduces the box note functionality.
Anonymous commented
This function is required when creating runbook using command line tools.
I want to create a runbook for AWS. -
Anonymous commented
basically, implement markdown-type syntax options like on stack overflow
Anonymous commented
Saw this as a request since 2017, would love to see it supported soon!
Anonymous commented
code blocks are more than just a monospaced font. Monospaced font will make aligned code easier to read... however, code blocks will also take into account various things such as not implementing typographers marks (opening/closing apostrophes/double-quotes). Syntax highlighting by language would be fantastic.
Anonymous commented
I hope this is coming soon. There are several types of collaboration that we cannot do entirely within box due to this limitation. Cutting and pasting the content in and out of another editor greatly reduces the value of using box at all for these.
Anonymous commented
This comes up all the time within my team and is the number one request we have for Box notes. Being able to use a fixed width font would really help us when sharing code snippets or creating simplistic ASCII diagrams.
Anonymous commented
Having "code blocks" or just some way to do a monospaced font is pretty common: see Slack, Dropbox Paper, every web forum ever, etc. It's useful not only for code snippets, but ascii diagrams, poor-mans' tables (especially if copied from other documents), and ask just a way to offset some special text like a quote.