Bulk Download Speed Increase
We're attempting to download files over 10 GB using the bulk download feature but it is taking longer than it would take if they were to download each file individually. It appears we are hitting a limit to which the bulk download feature is actually improving their speeds.

Hi! Throughout last year we've thoroughly improved our Zip download capability stability and performance which you should already experience especially with larger bulk downloads.
I'll also take this chance to remind that the functionality has a functional limit of 100k files in an archive or 150GB maximum archive size and recommended values of 10k files or 25GB total Zip size that reflect the natural implications of the way Zip archive is being streamed to customers.
Feel free to post questions and comments, we're here to help.
Thank you!
Michael commented
Hi, we just had a little over 10,000 files, all together less than 51 mb in size. The download rate was 5 bytes/sec!
As a directly stored .zip, the download took 2 seconds, but you can neither view nor edit the content on box. -
had some interaction last week with Box Support and it seems there’s not much that can be done with regards to download speed, which is unfortunate and truly a show stopper. One of the requirements that I don’t think I emphasized enough since the start, is the download speed. We want customers who are used to downloading at high speeds to have the same experience when working with our tools.