Customization of SSO login screen
Further allow branding customization and controls on login screen. We do not use "network usernames" and as such it can be confusing for users.

Thank you for this suggestion. I understand the use case. However, we do not plan to accommodate that level of customization at this time.
Anonymous commented
At the moment of July 2017, it was stated as [NOT PLANNED] but now Box is deployed to more companies with more various enterprises of many forms. It would be good time to reconsider this spec once again?
Anonymous commented
When we see the usecases of each company,
there is a case that the users who are to use SSO belongs to the group with diferent company name,
on the other hand, users who belong to the same compnay may not logon through SSO for various reasons.
It occurs especially if the tenant owner is a big enterprise with many subsidiary compaies and group companies.
So we would like to request for the UI which has text customizable for the each tenant.各社のユースケースを見てみると。
そこで、テナントごとに文字をカスタマイズできるUIをお願いしたいと考えています。 -
Anonymous commented
We work with many contractors on a daily basis. File sharing is crucial and, of course, typically urgent. As a company, we are spending hours per week getting our contractors through the initial login process, even with a written support document.
Comment also added to:
Matt Stofka commented
We would also like to see some ability to further customize the SSO login screen.
Since we enabled SSO with Okta, we are finding that external users often click on the CONTINUE button from shared links instead of “Not a part of [company name]?” They then attempt to log in on our Okta login page and fail, of course, and then contact the sharer who then often punts the question to me or our IT support team. We've customized the message that sits below that section but I think since the CONTINUE button is placed so prominently at the top, they're disinclined to scroll down to read instructions and instead just click that to proceed.
Another about considering just re-working that screen to make it more intuitive by default for external vs. company users. How about two big buttons side-by-side that are clearly marked "Click here if you are with [Company]" "Click here if you are NOT with [Company]" or something like that. If they're side by side, folks might be more inclined to make the correct choice.