Metadata key values of type {number, date} only searchable by range (gt, lt) and not equality
Assume I have a metadata template "Template" with a key - value of type Number. In both the web app and API, it is not possible to do an equality search:
templateKey = template
filters = {"value": 2}
Instead, the search requires specifying both lower and upper bounds. If you're searching for a single value, you then have to approximate it with a gt = 2, lt = 2 combo.
a) Most importantly, the API documentation implies that the range parameters are not required when searching by number or date.
b) I think both the webapp UI and the API should allow equality searching for number and date; i.e., ID = 2815

Adminmriley (Admin, Box) commented
These types of searches are now possible with the Metadata Query API ( That only handles the API perspective, though. I'm moving this to the Search category for consideration of the search API and webApp requests.