Hide folders from Box Drive
hide a set of folders from box drive while leaving them available on Box for office and Box online

Hi all,
We are currently working on the ability to hide certain folders in Box Drive on your desktop, allowing you to see only the folders that are important to you.
We will keep you updated on our progress here.
Anonymous commented
Lots of users complaining that upgrading to Box Drive from old Sync client creates clutter. They want the ability to hide/unhide folders in Drive. Nothing like upgrading to the recommended client only to have your users angry and demanding the old client be reinstalled.
Anonymous commented
As far as I can tell this feature seems like it would require minimal investment and have a high reward. Please implement this feature!
SMLR commented
This is crucial because someone with high-level access to files (Editor) accidentally moved sensitive files into another collaboration folder by click and drag in Box Drive and they didn't realize they had moved it until the folder was missing. We found it, but for a time, others had access to those files unintentionally because they were placed in a collaboration file. Other than being more careful, if we can hide folders in Box Drive the workspace is not only less confusing or crowded, it also prevents things from getting moved accidentally to places that are not currently Work in Progress.
Anonymous commented
I only want to see files i chose to sync to local box folder, just like with box sync.
Now it's so many folders without context or meaninful names I got invited to over time. The actually relevant folders are much harder to find now. I hate it. -
Anonymous commented
I feel the bigger issue is that because users are unable to manage the view, they Delete the folder to remove it from view (if they have editor or co-owner permissions), which deletes it from Box which causes a problem for everyone accessing the (deleted) data.
Anonymous commented
Unbelievable that this is not including from the get-go. Even the ****** buggy messed up Box Sync has this feature. What were you thinking? Who wants to have their entire Cloud locally? Or if not be left to use a very inconvenient Box Sync...
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to filter the amount of folders and files I now see on my desktop by using Box Drive. Anyone in my company is able to create and share folders and files, but I'm only actively working on a few. It is unworkable to have to sort through 100 folders each time I start a project.
And search is useless because I don't have control over how all 300 employees name folders -
Anonymous commented
It's necessary the ability to hide cloud folders, because in my laptop I just want to see what I'm working for now, but it's important to unhide to include new ones to select them as I need them.
As many people have said, without this feature I wouldn't recommend this tool. -
Anonymous commented
Without this feature, I cannot recommend Box as our company's main file storage solution, and we'll have to go with something else.
Anonymous commented
Without this my Box drive becomes a complete mess with everything that anybody ever shared to me.
Anonymous commented
Hugely important feature and impacting on the adoption & user satisfaction in my company. Please do add a Hide feature for unsynced folders.
Anonymous commented
Even being able to hide empty folders in BOX Drive would make navigating BOX Drive much quicker... or show somewhere the file count under each folder so the user knows which folders are populated with files would help!
John Hughes commented
Hi, I started this thread in the support forums about this very issue. I hope that this feature will be released soon, as it severely limits our ability to use Box Drive on sensitive systems.
Anonymous commented
This is key for me in order to adopt Box Drive. People in my organization tend to add others to folders without much thought, often top level folders, and don't think carefully about folder organization. As a result, the folder structure I see under Box Drive is hopelessly unwieldy. While it's handy to be able to browse the folder hierarchy for things rarely used, I absolutely need some kind of filtering for "favorites" or "frequently used" or "only synced items" --- something to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Anonymous commented
This is key to my organization considering moving over from OneDrive. It would simply be too cluttered otherwise, and Box Sync can be problematic with larger file structures.
Miroslav Pendev commented
This is a MUST HAVE feature. We have 8TB of data on Box and a lot of users have access to a lot of folders. Makes absolutely no sense to create all these on the local computer as it also slows down the computers dramatically.
Implement the same "Sync" feature Box Drive as in Box Sync - allow only selected folders to be visible in Box Drive! This is the reason why we will stay away from your Box Drive thing until this is implemented.
daniel.cohen commented
Hiding Files is a feature that should be in MVO. I cannot use box drive myself and would prefer to use box sync BECAUSE of this feature, unfortunately I am told that at the end of the month box sync will be discontinued at my company and this is being done by Box. Please extend the life of box sync until you can incorporate this feature into ox drive.
This has been under consideration for more than 6 months, I would think that you can make a decision whether you are going to do this feature or not in that time...
I posted on this issue (or very similar one) on April 10, 2019.
Re: How to hide some folders from Box Drive
I cannot vote up the feature request as my company that has purchased box blocks us from signing in to vote for the feature. I work for a LARGE corporation and there are probably 200 folders that I have access to, and only about 10 that I have synched to my local computer. Even the 10 that I have synched are not the root folder, but only sub-folders. This viewing ALL folders makes it almost unusable to have synched content. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do something about this and restore the ability to see on my local computer ONLY the synched folders. The present functionality is interesting but different than synchronizing to the remote folder, it is a local VIEW of the remote content, I do not need a local view the web does a good enough job. -
Anonymous commented
How did you miss that simple feature ?
Anonymous commented
I am reading all the information and actually have a modification the idea. As mentioned, the BOX Drive/Online Box tool is to have your folders available anywhere, and even offline. Basically, folders you deem are necessary.
Then all the others where groups add you to *their* shared folder and perhaps do not really need it to be so visible -> hidden.
How about finding a way to use Starred or Preferred Files/Folders, which automatically keep the most used on top and leaved the rest below. Indicate these files/folders with a different icon as well so that in Box Drive on the PC, these files can be sorted in some way.
Maybe think of inverse hidden folder... Tag the files or folders as hidden, they get put in a subfolder in in Drive.
Anonymous commented
Hiding folders is essential to managing the desktop and decluttering! Just dumbfounded that the Box.com folks have not included this feature on Box Drive from the get go!!!!